An open letter to Eric Holden AKA The unknown reporter. Dear - TopicsExpress


An open letter to Eric Holden AKA The unknown reporter. Dear Eric, It has come to my attention that you are trying to ride my coat tails by using comments that I have made in regards to what my thought of FMMA Athletes should uphold while in the medias eye. You have also attached me to being a feminist. (Might be a jealousy thing there because you can not be apart of this elite status) You claim you have no idea who I am and that you spoke with the Invicta matchmaker and she validated to you that I was nothing in the FMMA world. I AM STILL HERE and I do not need to validate who I am, or what part I play in FMMA to you; because, IF you were a part of this industry, you would know who I am and what I have done and what I am still doing. My FMMA Community Group has elected to vote you off the island because you cause too much drama and upset the athletes. There is a trail of disaster that follows you and your articles. I guess there has to be writers like you that make the Enquirer, TMZ and the Star exist. You write from OTHERS interviews because there is not a female fighter out there that will give you the time of day now. You made a name for yourself by being an Idiot Cervantes, not by being a talented writer like Robert Sargent, Marc P., Yael Grauer and Tim to name a few. You WANT drama because you feed off that like a maggot on a pile of crap. Invicta 7 is and has been being sold as a GREAT SHOW! You want to say negative things about it get people riled up again. Sad Sad Sad Eric. Could it be that the Athletes on Invicta 7 are actually focused on training and wanting to be their BEST for this show? Keep up the BS and one by one, the promotions will ban you from their events, the females will block you and the only thing you will be able to write about is what you know, HOW TO CREATE DRAMA IN A DRAMA FREE ZONE! In closing Eric, I have been in the business long before you and I will be there LONG after you. The Athletes that I have worked with and will work with in the future will be able to vouch for my love of the sport and their success. My suggestion to you Eric, is to not bother with writing about FMMA as you have nothing GOOD to bring to this community. sam~
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:45:44 +0000

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