An open-letter to my Republican, Tea-Party, Right-Wing, and - TopicsExpress


An open-letter to my Republican, Tea-Party, Right-Wing, and Conservative colleagues: I find it highly ironic that many of you are flipping out over Obamas NSA, national security, military, war on terror, drone, and assassination policies. Just to let you know, I dont agree with most of it either. But arent you guys the one who marched in lock-step with the Cheney/Bush administration that gave us these platinum hits like: - The Patriot Act - Warrantless Wiretapping - the neutering of the FISA Court - The Department Of Homeland Security - The Unitary Executive - Extraordinary Rendition - Torture - the end to Habeus Corpus - Lies about Iraqs WMDs and Saddam Husseins Links to Al Qaeda - Unilateral War and Illegal War - Mercenary Armies (Blackwater) - the malicious outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson - the Firing of U.S. Attorneys and the the Politicization of the Justice Department Only NOW are you guys getting butt-hurt about the NSA? Really? Sorry, to break it to you, but this has been going of FOR DECADES! Please take the ideological blinders off for once in your life, and pick up James Bamfords book The Shadow Factory. We are rapidly devolving into a militarized police-state that is ruled by fear and propaganda. This is the fault of BOTH the Republican AND Democratic parties. It is jaw-dropping how only now, you conservatives are waking up and smelling the coffee. It wouldnt even matter if we had a President McCain, a President Romney, or god-forbid, a President Palin. They would be doing the same exact thing! But you conservatives wouldnt bat an eyelid if a Republican administration were pulling these shenanigans. You would just be sitting on your hands, the same way you did when President Cheney, er, I mean President Bush, was running the Bill Of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and international treaties through the shredder. Only now are you enraged, because a Kenyan-born, Islamic, Fascist, Socialist, Maoist, Stalinist, black dude with a (D) at the end of his title, not an (R), is running the show. All of you Republicans and conservatives have no business whining. You didnt do jack-squat from 2000-2008, and marched lock-step with the previous criminal regime. It is really hard to take you conservatives seriously anymore. Wasnt the Republican Party and conservative movement all about personal liberty, individual freedom, and a small government that stayed out of peoples lives? Give me a break! You guys are just as responsible for this police-state as anyone. Again, you guys have no business talking. This has been your Daily Danimal Diatribe ;-b
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 00:27:00 +0000

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