An open letter to the Democratic party... A very important - TopicsExpress


An open letter to the Democratic party... A very important midterm election is now history and you Democratic politicians decided to basically sit this one out. Complete control of the legislative branch hung in the balance, and instead of campaigning on your agenda and the many accomplishments of our President you decided it was more politically expedient to distance yourselves from the most accomplished president of our lifetime and also run from the agenda that most Americans support. So is it any wonder that you got your asses handed to you? Sure, there were mitigating factors such as Citizens United, which opened the floodgates of dark money. There were draconian voter ID laws which hampered some peoples right vote. And there was also a ton of Democratic voter apathy to contend with. But that doesnt for a second excuse the cowardice you exhibited during this very important campaign. You allowed the Republicans to dictate the dialogue and paint President Obama as a failure without even a perfunctory challenge to their lies and distortions of the facts. If you had only called Republicans out on their lies and defended your positions the outcome might have been vastly different. There was little mention of important issues such as income equality, immigration reform, or climate change. The ACA is working even better than most people envisioned, yet you derived no political benefits from its success because you refused to defend it. The GOP was the party which shut down our government to the tune of 24 million dollars lost and put the full faith and credit of the United States at risk in a fit of petulance over the enactment of a legally passed law, yet not one peep from any of you about this egregious behavior. Republicans are now in complete control of the legislative branch, with the only buffer between us and their insane agenda being the Presidents veto pen, which he will have to use judiciously or else be thought of as an obstructionist. Too many Democratic-leaning voters chose to sit this one out as well, but feeling that they were being thrown under the bus by the party theyve always supported, I cant really blame them. Its difficult to get people to support a party that wont even support itself. Ive supported your party since I cast my very first vote for George McGovern back in 72 and Ill still vote for Democrats who share my beliefs, but my blanket support for Democratic candidates, whether moderate or left-leaning, has come to an end until you take steps to regain my trust. Your cowardice and political cynicism has placed America once again on a very perilous path, and the potential calamities-in-waiting for the next two years are incalculable. The sad truth is that most American actually support your agenda. You were just too terrified of the Republicans to realize that. Shame on every last one of you!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:54:36 +0000

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