An open letter to the Editors of Tatler magazine, Russia and the - TopicsExpress


An open letter to the Editors of Tatler magazine, Russia and the London Evening Standard. It is much hesitation that I feel I must write to you over your publication of a handy guide to why one must not employ Filipino maids, published October 1st 2014 on page 27 of the Evening Standard and originally in months edition of Tatler magazine, Russian edition. Why hesitation? because I am quite frankly sick and tired of reading so many examples of negative press towards the Filipino people. On many occasions in the past, I have responded to racism and stereotypical views of Filipinos aired by the press and media. I have read the article carefully and it seems that the author of this advice guide, the daughter of a Russian mining executive, Maria Baibakova has warned against hiring Filipinos, saying that employers who believe they wont leak information are not correct and also advises not to befriend maids as nothing good comes out of it There are some 11 million Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs working across the world. Filipinos are forced to leave the Philippines and seek work abroad due to the lack of well paid jobs in the country. These 11 million Filipinos have made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving their homeland, families, often young children to work for people like the author of this advice guide. In it, she goes on to advise that any sacking of servants should be done swiftly and without emotion. How about the rights and future of these employees. Yes she does make the point that it is advisable to give 2 weeks salary to ensure she is following the law. Some Filipinos are very loyal to the same employer for many years, 2 weeks come on. This lady is a billionaire, is this really how people should be treated in the 21st century? The point is that this lady should not have ever given general advice about not employing Filipinos. Yes, she may have had a bad personal experience, nobody is perfect and there is good and bad in all races, however my belief and I am very sure the opinion of the countless millions around the globe, is that Filipinos are a hard working, highly trusted, skilled and caring people. This guide which the Evening Standard has also chosen to highlight is not at all helpful to the Filipino people, stereotypes should never be used, neither should terminology like maids and servants. Once again, I am calling for an apology from all concerned. I believe we have freedom of speech in the United Kingdom and I am just exercising that right. Thank you Malcolm Conlan British Citizen, with a Filipino family.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:29:04 +0000

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