An open letter to the Show Us Your Hands! Board of - TopicsExpress


An open letter to the Show Us Your Hands! Board of Directors: When I submitted my resignation two months ago, I wished the board the best of continued success. My sentiments were genuine, and I publicly explained my personal reasons for needing to step aside. Even though I reached a point where I could no longer contribute my time, energy, and professional skills, I was confident that my previous years of volunteer effort had helped this fine organization reach a point where it could continue to grow into the future. I have found the multiple letters that you have sent me since my resignation to be nothing less than perplexing, and disappointing. For example, your most recent letter admits to mistakenly accusing me of being in the unauthorized possession of Show Us Your Hands! property. (We have reviewed the records of Show Us Your Hands! again. During this review, we realized that you are right. and we acknowledge that the statements were made in error and sincerely apologize.) Amazingly enough, this *very* same letter goes on to state that my actions constitute theft and destruction of property. I would strongly recommend that you gain a firm understanding not only of the law, but also of Show Us Your Hands! Inc. corporate and financial records, before you continue to make statements such as those mentioned above. During my years of unpaid volunteer service, I continually worked towards the creation of a business environment where each and every board member had the insight that was needed in order to ensure that the proper fiduciary duties were being performed, including but not limited to duties of care and duties of loyalty. I also supported the creation of a business continuity plan, in order to minimize the impact that any board members resignation might have on business operations. Your letter also requests that I sign a confidentiality agreement covering all private events and communications since [my] resignation on July 25, 2014. I have absolutely nothing to hide, nor do I have any mistakes that need to be covered up, which is precisely why I am making this request in such a public manner. Please respect my need to focus on my health and personal well-being, and please allow me the peace and tranquility that I deserve. In all aspects of my life I strive to be as open and honest as possible, and believe that the years of volunteer effort that I have contributed to Rheumatoid Arthritis Guy and Show Us Your Hands! are testament to my character. Sincerely, RA Guy
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 17:57:39 +0000

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