An open letter to the government, mothers, soldiers and settlers - TopicsExpress


An open letter to the government, mothers, soldiers and settlers of the rogue entity of Israel. I was 12 the first time I woke up to the terror of your bombs, the ones you made sure you would sign as gifts before they would be loaded to your jet bombers and sent off, gift wrapped in the fabrics of your hate and evil. and i was innocent back then. I did not understand the notion of war, nor that of racism, nor that of hate, not even that of political interest. but i grew up to understand… I grew up to understand the hard, ignited, bombarded way. I grew up to understand because i turn on my television everyday and the news of your crimes never fail to escape me. but what about your children? how do they understand? How do you, israeli mothers, explain the ugly side of your failing humanity to the virgin minds of your naive children? in what face do you look them in the eye and explain the infection of your sunken, soulless, failing hearts? You have become what you’ve always hated, and have absolutely fell in love with it. but is this what the gas chambers of nazi Germany taught you? did nazism inspire the foundations of your zionism? did hitler somehow become the idol of your every leader? dear black, tortured souls, have you learned nothing from the prosecution you have overcame? did you not learn, oh weak minds and weaker hearts, that evil never prevails? that terror, terror you artists of terror, will always come back to haunt you? that 42 attempted assassination end with suicide and a burned body? have you not learned from history how strong of a punch a determined, prosecuted people could pack? have you not learned empathy from the burnt bodies of your ancestors? life from the mass graves of your grandparents? have you only learned hate? dear Israeli soldiers, and masterminds of genocides. You, you who know the price of every tank and every missile, do you know the value of every human you have killed? do you know the names of all the children you have orphaned and all the women you have widowed? how do you feel when you shatter the innocence of a child, a child that would be a millionaire if he would get a dollar for the times you’d murder someone he loved, and demolish a house he grew in? is it pride? or is it a feeling that fills your void, that large gap that sits on the outskirts of you and the essence of humanity? You can unleash all the hell you want, But heaven wouldn’t wait for you. No, Heaven wouldn’t wait for you. Signed, the right side of history.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:41:49 +0000

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