An open letter written by my brother to our cousin, who shares the - TopicsExpress


An open letter written by my brother to our cousin, who shares the same concerns as us, but is an AAP sympathiser. I couldnt have put it better myself! EVEN IF YOU ARE AN AAP SYMPATHIZER VOTE FOR BJP NOT AAP Dear Cousin, In a week or two, it will be time for india to go out and vote in, a new government. I know where your sympathies are (AAP) and you know which team i am rooting for (BJP). We both love our country, want to see our country a safer/better place for our kids and are concerned about issues like all pervading corruption and lack of governance. This time (and maybe even next time), despite your misgivings about BJP and sympathies towards AAP , I would urge you to go out and Vote BJP! I dont know, by this time, you may be dis-illusioned totally with AAP and have decided that you will not vote at all or you may be still thinking AAP is better bet. I would beg you to go out and vote BJP in either case, and heres why... As you know, the biggest block our country has towards achieving a better tomorrow is congress. It is just a money making mafia which is home to the worst kind of low life scum, mixed with some educated opportunists. I am NOT saying that the BJP (and even AAP) are totally clean, but then both the BJP and AAP are representative of the society to which you and I belong. I would say , probity in BJP (you know about AAP better, I have my misgivings) is slightly better than our civil society which includes some honest folks, some crooks and a whole lot of people who are either crooked or honest depending upon the situation. This is unlike the congress. Congress (I) is the reason why Indian society and governance has reached this level of nadir and darkness. I also do not agree about the Modi worship which is going on, but I think a whole lot of people in BJP know that its not quite the right thing. They probably are just tired of being a team who are driven by nationalistic agenda and time and again getting ignored by an electorate which is so slavish and worships royalty, having lived for centuries of under indigenous kings, muslim invaders and then the European colonist. Maybe, thats why we converted the family of our first prime minister into a dynasty. BJP guys are just trying to counter the dynastic winds by creating its own king having found how powerful the hold of hero worship is on the indian psyche. I may not like this but I would not hold it against them Its not that One man Modi or a group of 600 MPs can change the face of 1 billion strong India. If we need governance , we will need to demand governance the way we want it, even after we elect in a govt/leader we voted for. We will have to create friendly pressure groups and demand accountability towards the stated agenda from the very folks we voted in. There is NO other way out of this. If you go out and vote for AAP or let your disgust keep you from voting and there are X no of people like that, those X votes can defeat a BJP MP. A BJP defeat here and a defeat there may mean a fractured parliament and tiny groups of ultra corrupt leaders like the Pawars /Mulayam/Mayawati calling the shots. In that case, you might as well say goodbye to Indias future! Think back to the last couple of years of Vajpayees (BJP) term. Roads in India had turned better exponentially. Telecom revolution was set in place, economy was much better, India was confident and resurgent as never before! And then we promptly shot ourselves in the foot and voted in the Congress again. 10 years and muliple mega scams later, where is our nation headed? The Current mission of all patriotic folks or even folks who just love their kids (and who dont think of themselves as patriotic) should be to destroy both congress and the regional satraps in this and the next election. If the Congress and the regional cabals are allowed to remain In power, we will drive India further towards a future where our kids will be either crooks or victims. Not a very pleasant thought. Is it? So that one vote of yours may ultimately be not for AAP but for the Congress - represented by folks like the Alemaos and the Monserrats in Goa! Or third rate fronts led by folks like Mayawati, Mulayam and Laloo! Let us destroy the crooks from Congress and small-time selfish regional leaders like Pawars, Laloo, Mulayam and Maywati in this and the next election. Give a BJP a chance. Just for two terms. Then, if you still think BJP has not done a good job, AAP, if it survives and behaves till then, is always an option. But this election day, vote for the BJP. We need to do it for our children. For our future. BJP is the only chance we have, the only chance the nation has! Not doing this will be akin to shooting ourselves and our country in the left foot. Regards, Ashwin Vaidya
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 06:47:39 +0000

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