An ordinary witness for a grace provided by Blessed Brother - TopicsExpress


An ordinary witness for a grace provided by Blessed Brother Estephan in the beginning of 2011. As a humble servant, I thank the Holy Spirit/Trinity, Saint Mary, Saint Charbel and Blessed Brother Estephan for an undeserved grace received in the beginning of 2011. In winter 2010, Early thirties, I was going through a tough time in life in general. I went on vacation to Lebanon. During that period I was in a lost “mode” seeking for a divine sign to guide me. I was sure that there was more concrete answers of existence in this world. An answer of purpose in this materialistic, valueless world brainwashed by power, money, technology, media and set icons. With strong perseverance I was looking for answers from the Creator, I went through many biographies of prophets and saints seeking for divine lessons/ signs in the hope of a new awakening. To give you an insight about my personality PRIOR getting a divine grace: An impatient, ambitious, competitive, passionate person, a realistic person who bases life on facts and numbers, have an open philosophy about freedom where everything can be within reach. A typical young person who has the world and career at its feet who is dissatisfied and wanting more of the same. A victim of societal values and “that’s how it should be to be successful”. I was initially born a Christian who lost its Christ on its way to an ambitious career, power and competition. However my Christ has never left me leaving behind deep, deep inside my soul a small flame of strong faith and great love for God that was constantly awakening my conscience from time to time. During my short vacation, my parents had proposed to join them for a visit St Charbel Monastery in Annaya to pray- so I went whole heartedly. The visit to St Charbel came on time during a difficult period in my life. Wanting to get more signs from a country rich with sainthood and spirituality, I passed by the souvenir shop whilst at the monastery on my way out and my eyes caught the attention of two random books: biographies of St Nehmetallah and Blessed Brother Estephan. Two Lebanese Maronite Saints Saints that I have never heard of before. When I got back from the Monastery I decided to start reading the biography of Blessed Brother Estephan. After reading most of the book, I suddenly went into an indescribable day dream- it was as if you were between reality and unconsciousness. I can’t describe this supernatural feeling. During that in between dream/reality feeling I felt half of my left side body aching gradually then went numb and went into half paralysis mode. I tried to move with no luck. I tried to communicate with my sister sleeping next to me but couldn’t move by hand. suddenly, I vomited a small yellow ball shaped gelatin. Then my left side ached and went back gradually to normal with no paralyses. When I woke up, I was so scared- the feeling of being half paralyzed made me move my arms and legs and stretched them. Then next day I really wondered what sign was that and what exactly happened to me. Not knowing the existence of this astonishing humble simple Lebanese Maronite monk named Blessed Brother Estephan and his story -I decided out of curiosity the next day to go with my sister to his home town in "Lehfed"- Batroun to see his uncorrupted body since 1938. While in Lehfed, I drank water of the miraculous badger fountain that was discovered by Blessed Brother Estephan at his young age and kept my left hand in the water for a while. I made a wish to heal my left hand where there was an ingrown ball of gelatine on top that was unpleasant. Knowing that Sister Marina, the relative of Blessed Brother Estephan got healed from a hand paralysis. Being a bit disappointed because we didn’t see the actual uncorrupted body of Blessed Brother Estephan- went back home and started to read the book of Saint Nihmatullah Al Hardini where it was revealed the location of the tomb of both lebanese saints. Thank god I bought both books. There is a reason for everything in life nothing is coincidence. That is where you notice the invisible holy spirit guidance when you review your story. The following day again we decided to go to Kfifan monastery to see Blessed Brother Estephan uncorrupted body and indeed we had the visit. And there on our way out of the monastery on the slope, we smelled a beautiful scent of flowers suddenly out of nowhere we tried to look around to see if there was any flowers but we went perplexed. Then later we noticed that it was the sign of the presence of Blessed Brother Estephan. It was indeed a fantastic discovery for the past 2 days- a gift from heaven. After few weeks , I went back abroad for work to finalise my pending issues. By that time my left arm and hand was hurting me a lot and I couldn’t find the reason so I went to the doctor to check on it and see how to take this unpleasant feeling and gelatine ball on top of my hand away. The doctor said that my hand needed surgery to take it out so I decided not to do the surgery. Two to three weeks later, I discovered that the ingrown gelatine ball on top of my hand that was hurting me disappeared suddenly "it was a unexplainable” I even showed it to my entourage who are familiar with this unpleasant gelantine. "God Sees Me" a sentenced always repeated by Blessed Brother Estephan. With a core essence to always put God at the center of your life.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 09:49:10 +0000

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