An original of this was sent to Kathleen Sebelius. Do her words - TopicsExpress


An original of this was sent to Kathleen Sebelius. Do her words scare any of you or is this the country weve allowed to be built on our watch? It embarrasses me for her ignorance in saying it. It shames me that we created an atmosphere where it seems acceptable. Dear Director Sebelius, While I am quite comfortable with my conservative positions Im not one to get involved in the political arena. I usually just shake my head in wonder at what passes for wisdom from the usual suspects in power today. Sadly thats been true for about the last 20 years. It was your comment yesterday that shook me to the core and convinced me that what I have believed to be true was even truer than I could have imagined. Your words are proof that the people in Washington actually are completely clueless as to their role in the life of American people. I first heard your comment in passing. I could not believe it so I sought it out through multiple sources and sadly have confirmed what I hoped I had misheard-Director Sebelius these were your words, The majority of people calling for my resignation are people I dont work for This statement begs the question; do you have a clue who you work for? Do you understand that the paycheck you receive may show an employer on the face of it but every penny of every deposit that funded your pay came from American citizens? Surely you must know that but obviously do not understand how that defines your relationship or that of the government that is supposed to be by the people and for the people. Lets briefly review a few events of the last year. Four citizens were killed in Benghazi last September 11th. We were treated to outright lies of the events of that day. We still dont have a proper accounting of what went wrong and why. So far the strongest statement from anyone in the administration is what difference does it make? The Bush administration began what were classified as warrantless wiretaps that tracked calls from and to known and suspected terrorists. Though the terrorists were clearly the target of this tracking, President Bushs role in it earned him comparisons to Hitler. This note in no way intends to defend those practices but when this administration decided to expand the tracking to EVERY CITIZEN IN THE ENTIRE FREE WORLD it passed through the media as yesterdays news. No outcry from anyone who acted as if George Bush was Satans spawn for even thinking it was defensible. Then to our buddies in the IRS. Theirs is not now nor has it ever been their right to utilize their resources to promote or to stifle a political viewpoint. What they have engaged in as it relates to the 501C designations of legal organizations that happen to have an opposing view is the worst use of power. That it happened and continues to happen should have resulted in the largest housecleaning in governmental history. When your colleague pled the 5th I was stunned. She was not part of a criminal proceeding she was being asked about her role as an employee. Like you Ms. Sebelius she seems to miss the point of one of the main conditions of her employment. She works for us! I am not one to call for resignations. I usually trust people to recognize when they have lived out their value to the organization they attempted to serve. You have reached that point Ms. Sebelius. You are worthless in your role because you believe the people you serve have no worth. Worse yet, you believe they have no sense. Time to go Ms. Sebelius. Dont worry. The people you think you work for will take good care of you. Sadly, defending the indefensible has come to symbolize this administration. Theyll take care of you by simply stealing more of our money. At least we wont have to witness your arrogance as that theft continues. A concerned and fed up citizen of the United States of America, Ron St. Clair youtube/watch?v=wFwFtBepqlk#t=40
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:41:56 +0000

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