An oversized front page report, continuing for two additional jump - TopicsExpress


An oversized front page report, continuing for two additional jump pages, details the “hundreds, maybe even thousands, of undocumented migrants from India” smuggled yearly into Arizona seeking ”asylum.” On average, they pay $35,000 apiece to gain access, using dubious claims of facing danger in their homeland. The numbers of such claimants is surging. Even the open-borders newspaper reports officials are suspicious of their pitiful tales — though the steady flood of humanity continues. Today’s edition provides more of the same. In this saga, it is a Hutu farmer living in Zimbabwe being helped to “rejoin his family” by the Grand Canyon chapter of the American Red Cross. He has not seen his Tutsi wife and children since he fled a refugee camp in Zambia, leaving them behind in 2005. He is still in Africa, but count on him arriving in Phoenix soon. For reasons undisclosed, the family requested their names not be released. Despite being assured by former Homeland InSecurity chieftain, Janet Napolitano that “our borders have never been stronger,” exactly the opposite is true. Watch this sobering WSB Atlanta Action News report detailing the OTM’s (Other Than Mexicans) from terror sponsoring nations, who have learned Spanish and infiltrated the USA. Is there a genial way to say “We told you so?” Probably not. We will simply self-congratulate on our own early perceptions of the transmogrifications of amnesty and the threats Americans are facing, ignored by our own government officials at both the federal and state level. In 2008, we saw it coming, in the post “Lawbreakers morphing into asylum seekers,” noting the reconfiguring of illegal aliens into victims. It was an ideal pretext for the open borders Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic), providing the leftist decimator of pap another convenient hook for its endless promotion of amnesty. And it perfectly comported with the United Nation’s expanded concept of refugees in its 1967 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, to include persons fleeing violence in their home country. In 2010, we wrote “The ball to keep your eyes on: Newly configured ‘political refugees.’” We followed in 2011 with “Asylum! The hottest ticket for ‘political refugees.’” The claim worked well for Barack Obama’s Kenyan-born aunt Zeituni Onyango who lived in taxpayer supported public housing in Boston. She was granted asylum in a private hearing six years after being ordered deported.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 23:46:54 +0000

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