An unbiased analysis of AP & Telangana Politics This WordPress - TopicsExpress


An unbiased analysis of AP & Telangana Politics This WordPress site is the bees knees Stupid Answers by Chandra Babu & a perfect propaganda It is quite amusing to see how easily people on social media get duped about achievements of politicians. They get carried away by media reports despite knowing the fact the main stream media unsuccessfully tried to stop India’s most credible and real leader from becoming PM. Well, Narendra Modi is not the topic. This is about another person who piggybacked on the image of Narendra Modi and Pavan Kalyan. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu would not have become CM but for Pavan Kalyan and Modi. I saw a post by TDP fan page (VoteforTDP) about assembly conversation between Naidu and Jagan. The title of the post “Stupid Question’s by JAGAN & Perfect Answers by CHANDRABABU NAIDU” Here is the link for that video: https://facebook/video.php?v=574118359361612&set=vb.302641806509270&type=2&theater Many ‘intellectuals’ and ‘educated youth’ believed what he said in this video and praised Naidu. If you understand Telugu, Skip the below part: For those of you who don’t understand Telugu, in brief: 1) Naidu blamed that Jagan would have made Idupulapaya (a place near his home) as the capital of AP and when Jagan denied that he never made such statement , Naidu explained his logic for making that remark 2) The Logic of Naidu , in his own words: “ RGUKT – engineering colleges in IT (IIIT).. One of the best concepts.. One college was started in Idupulapaya, one in Nuzivid and another in Basara. But the head quarter was given in Idupulapaya, however the head quarter was not shifted to Idupulapaya but is still in Hyderabad. ..” 3) Reply of Jagan, in his own words : “ Naidu doesn’t know why IIITs were started.. It was started by YSR (his dad).. The purpose of those colleges is to cater to rural students and therefore are started in remote places.. Naidu should check his facts and then speak “ 4) Reply of Naidu (with a smirk) : “ I started IIIT and not your father.. First, you (Jagan) should learn facts. Listen to me. In order to give importance to IT in Hyderabad, for the first time in India I set up IIIT with Raj Reddy from Carnegie Mellon University . Your dad wanted to expand the IIIT college and started college in Idupulapaya. I am not finding fault with it. But keeping the head quarter at Idupulapaya was a mistake. Actually the mistake is the head quarter never went to Idupulapaya and I am saying that is the mistake.. Keeping a college a Idupulapaya is not a mistake . Jagan learn the history. We know more than you. You are the first time MLA and you know nothing” Actual Facts and lies peddled by Naidu: 1. There are several IIITs in India, each one has different meaning and expansion. Naidu referred to IIIT under RGUKT. He clearly mentioned that IIITs under RGUKT (see the video again) 2. IIITs under RGUKT have nothing to do with IIIT Hyderabad. Jagan is 100% correct when he said that those are started by YSR. Reference : 3. IIIT Hyderabad and IIITs under RGUKT are entirely different. From the concept to the target students, they are entirely different : a. Purpose: IIIT Hyderabad is one of the best colleges in India which offer engineering in IT. It was started in 1998 to create best software engineers. IIITs under RGUKT were started in 2008 to help provide higher-education for meritorious rural students. Most of these rural students don’t have access to good schools and hence are unable to perform on-par with town and city students in Engineering entrance exams and unable to get entry into good engineering colleges. The concept was to provide good engineering courses for the meritorious rural students b. Entry to the college: IIIT Hyderabad is currently taking students based on IIT JEE score, previously they had their own exam. Whereas IIITs under RGUKT take top 1% of rural students (based on 10th marks) keeping a cap on the number of students from each mandal so that students from one mandal with good schools don’t have undue advantage over other students. c. Program: IIIT Hyderabad engineering is a 4 year engineering program in CSE and ECE. Whereas IIITs under RGUKT is a 6 year program (directly after 10th ) and offers course in Mechanical , Chemical , Civil, ECE , CSE. d. Management of college: IIIT Hyderabad is an autonomous body and it was started on PPP model (government providing the land and private body runs the institute). Whereas IIITs under RGUKT are completely government run. IIIT Hyderabad doesn’t even mentor those IIITs under RGUKT. They are not the same brand. IIITs under RGUKT are situated in rural areas as they are targeted at rural students 4. Based on the above points, it is clear that YSR started them and Naidu has got to do nothing with those colleges. Naidu’s self-boasting that YSR just expanded his concept is entirely false as the concepts are entirely different. The biggest Lie: IIIT Hyderabad was Chandra Babu Naidu Concept 5. IIIT Hyderabad stands for International Institute of Information Technology. However when it was started in 1998 , its name was Indian Institute of Information Technology. (Talk to the first batch students) . IIIT Gwalior was started in 1997 and IIIT Allahabad was started in 1999. Did MP government steal Chandra Babu Idea and started one year before him? Or did UP government replicate his idea just within one year (even before the first batch came out in 2002) 6. In fact, the idea to set up IIIT came up as back as 1992 for a committee by MHRD under the chairmanship of Dr.P.G. Reddy . The purpose was to create good institutions in IT in the likes of IITs and IIMS to meet the demand for IT professionals in the coming years. Source : 7. Refer to this document from 1998 . . This is an action plan submitted by task force on Information Technology. Refer to point 64 .. “The setting up of Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIIT) shall be implemented with urgency to make up for the lost time. Hi-tech institutions like the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) will be given the Deemed University status without insisting upon the mandatory three-year stipulation” So in 1998, itself they were taking that time was lost in setting up of IIITS which means this idea of IIIT was not Naidu’s and was there before him and he was not the first one to implement it 8. If you read the IIIT Hyderabad website. Source : “The International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H) is an autonomous university founded in 1998. It was set up as a not-for-profit public private partnership (N-PPP) and is the first IIIT to be set up (under this model) in India”. It is not the first IIIT in India, it is just the first to set up under the model of PPP. Government giving free land and infrastructure was the PPP part of it. 9. It is clear that Naidu and the media fooled all of us that he introduced IIIT to India and it was his brain child. He said in his own words in the assembly 10. Naidu spoke without any logic retracting his own statements. First he said it was mistake to start a RGUKT IIIT college in Idupulapaya and then he said it was ok to start in Idupulapaya but it was a mistake to keep head quarter at Idupulapaya. Then he again said, it was not a mistake to keep head quarter at Idupulapaya but the head quarter didn’t move to Idupulapaya and it continued at Hyderabad. When there was no RGUKT college in Hyderabad, it was not very logical to have a head quarter at Hyderabad so one or the other location had to be chosen. However not much work happens at the headquarters, where just a few officials sit. The officials choose to be in Hyderabad and so the admin part continued in Hyderabad. Each college has a director situated in their own campus. I hope Naidu should realise that he could fool people in 1990s because people couldn’t do research then but now with internet, he can’t continue fooling people with his lies and media gimmicks. Finally, the title of the video itself is illogical, because as apparent in the video, Jagan didn’t ask any question. He just gave clarification on Naidu’s allegations.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 01:54:57 +0000

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