An update from Emili :) This may be long. Lots has been going on - TopicsExpress


An update from Emili :) This may be long. Lots has been going on over here. Christmas break was fabulous. I needed that three weeks off to sleep and not study and not play sports. But mostly just to sleep. And spend time with mi familia. It was very nice. Then back to school, woohoo. Second semester of Junior Year. Busy busy busy. First week back, my Junior class hosted Talent Night, a talent show that is kinda within a play. Between each act is MCs introducing the next acts. Its set up more like a play so it all flows better. Anyhow, I was an MC. That week, I had basketball and talent night practice every night, but the show went well and was a ton of fun though it stressed me out like crazy. hahahah Following week was a basketball tournament, which we got second in and I took the SAT for the first time. Another busy week. The SAT was like the funnest thing Ive ever done, NOT. But I guess I have to attempt getting into college somehow. hahaha Finally we come to this past week. Spiritual Enrichment Week (S.E.W.) The speaker was phenomenal and really challenged everyone, especially me, to press into God more and more and more. The Lord is truly moving within my school and community. And definitely moving within me. It is truly amazing to see all that he is capable of. Two amazing praises. A little four year old girl named Tri-Tri lives in the nearby Faith community. Tri-Tri has a very serious heart condition and was told she would have a very short life if she didnt get surgery, but the surgery was extremely expensive. In October, we started a fundraiser at school and God did a huge work, as we raised over $6000 for her surgery. Finally, on Monday, this precious child had open heart surgery and the Lord is mending her. She was supposed to be in ICU for three days after, but is doing so well that she came home today. PRAISE THE LORD. He loves that precious child so much and used his people to make her recovery possible. Second praise. One of my very best friends, Jason, has a younger sister in sixth grade and she has been in the hospital with a very serious case of dengue. Her platelets were so low that people had to donate blood in case they dropped any lower. After a week of being in the hospital, and much prayer, Wednesday her platelets rose by 10 and today they finally got back in the 100s, where they should be and shes coming home tomorrow. PRAISE THE LORD. Our community has been praying for these two for a long time and God has answered. He is so good and so faithful to his people. That is all. So blessed with all the Lord is revealing to me. He is so amazing.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:25:50 +0000

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