An update on my fishing buddy Tamara. Please pray that Gods peace - TopicsExpress


An update on my fishing buddy Tamara. Please pray that Gods peace be with her and her family. Journal Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:01 AM CDT Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Please keep these words in mind when reading the journal below. Tamaras physical condition has decreased dramatically in the past two weeks. Her sugar is sky high almost every time its checked and she is given insulin multiple times a day. Tamaras oxygen requirement has increased to 5 liters, the maximum her oxygen machine goes to. Her stability is absent and she is not able/allowed to walk without help or supervision. Tamara fell twice last week walking from her room to the kitchen and then again standing up from the couch. Both times were very unexpected and she did not realize what was happening. Tamaras legs are covered in bruises from thigh to foot and her platelets are non existent. She went to Hurley Hospital Thursday, May 22nd for a platelet transfusion. This morning around 9am Tamaras mother went into her bedroom to give her morning medication. She found Tamara sleeping with a face full of foam. Her mom panicked and shook Tamara to wake her. Tamara would not wake up for the first couple minutes. Later when Kris, Tamaras Hospice nurse came he said that it is all part of the process and she does not look well. Tamara also has a bad cough that keeps her up all night. She is having trouble talking and thinking. All of this being said, Id like to talk about all of the time that Tamara has been blessed with and all of the special moments we have had with her. These last few weeks are all about making her as comfortable as we can and letting her eat as much chocolate cake as she wants. (: Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers. More updates to come. Lots of tender, love, and care.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 19:40:10 +0000

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