An update on our weekly Slaine RPG game... Looking for the - TopicsExpress


An update on our weekly Slaine RPG game... Looking for the second sacred stone, the players have to find their way into Midgard, and have been spending their time in a village close to the border - and then the Norse decide to launch a three-pronged raid. The partys warrior leads the villages warriors to hold one horde, turning it back with the help of the witch and her Murder of Crows. The druid holes himself up in the fort with the Kings Men, and manages to turn back a Sky Chariot loaded with archers. That left the dwarf thief (lowest of the low in Slaine) in the village proper, trying to muster the women as another horde streams over the walls. The women do pretty well for themselves and end up turning back the horde but the dwarf just cannot resist taunting the Jarl leading the whole force. He ends up in single combat as the battle winds down, and things look bleak. Desperately dodging the Jarls (very powerful) attacks, the dwarf is in serious trouble, when the druid comes down from the hill and blasts the Jarl with fire (a serious breach of duel ettiquette, but no one argues with a druid in Slaine...). This staggers the Jarl and the dwarf leaps up from the ground and plants a knife in the Norsemans stomach, finishing him. Strike one for Ukko Jarl-Killer... The Jarls bodyguards grumble at the druids intervention and decide they want a piece of him. The druid orders the assembled village warriors to finish one off, while the dwarf, for reasons unknown after he just escaped death, taunts the other into a personal duel. This bodyguard is swinging a mighty great axe which could easily split the dwarf in two with one good hit, but the dwarf proves an elusive target and ends up scoring a massive critical which tears the throat out of the bodyguard. The dwarf is currently insufferable, now saying he is a greater warrior than anyone else in the village... This adventure comes from the Horned Lord and Moon Sow epic campaign and it is really worth a look - especially at the price the PDFs can now be grabbed from on our site! mongoosepublishing/ebooks/d20/slaine.html
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 11:11:34 +0000

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