Analysis of The So Called On Point Brothers’ and Why I Think - TopicsExpress


Analysis of The So Called On Point Brothers’ and Why I Think they Are Full of Shit Part 1 We have all heard how females like thugs/lesser males etc The dudes who use this blanket statement are also including dudes who dont have a degree, or the high flying career regardless of whether they work, silly right? They will then go on to say how their degree or supposed finances puts them a cut above all other dudes as if those things give any deep insight into their moral fibre or personality traits. So why do these men embrace the thug blaming culture? Pretty simple.... it’s male jealousy. The thugs are an easy scapegoat because they already looked down upon in society (which I have no problem with). These guys on their pompous self entitled podium will declare what female they deserve just based on material shit theyve earned. ‘I have worked so hard so ‘I’ deserve a female who is a 9, 10’, not realising that they themselves don’t fit this standard. I see no connection between having degrees and feeling entitled to any female you find pretty. Whether through insecurity or wilful ignorance these guys will not take into account that chicks are checking dudes looks too, more than they ever did in the past where men were main breadwinners. Every loss they experience it’s always the ‘imaginary thug’, what they don’t take into account is like most men they saw a chick who they found physically attractive but these dudes want to shame the chicks for doing the same thing, these dudes werent even planning to marry the chicks, they wanted the ego boost, hey Ive been there. Any dude who throws other dudes under buss over females they couldnt/didnt get are undercover pussy pandering simps and I don’t respect men like that regardless of their accolades...Part 2 next
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 16:10:17 +0000

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