Anarchists remind me of rebellious teenagers, simple in thought. - TopicsExpress


Anarchists remind me of rebellious teenagers, simple in thought. There is a reason why they have no examples to point to in support of their ideology; it could only exist in a perfect world. We are running out of frontier. Humans are imperfect, and the more humans you have in any given neighboring system, the more imperfect that system will be. The more dense the population, the higher the rate of crime. Wherever there are neighbors there needs to be boundaries, and the more the neighbors the more the boundaries. It isnt that complicated, but adolescent thought isnt very deep. It does not justify the overwhelmingly intrusive government we have today, minarchy can work, and will work once the house of cards our federal government has built of itself caves under the weight of the debt it compiles. Control will be diverted back to the fifty states when the federal government fails and implodes, and we will be far more liberated then. No true form of anarchy can succeed except in total isolation, which is inconceivable as no man is an island. Even most dwellings that sustain more than one dweller are organized as hierarchies. Native American tribes were often egalitarian democracies when small in numbers, but the larger tribes required a hierarchy to maintain order. In most cases the members of the tribes could voluntarily come and go, but they lived in teepees, so... Anarchy will not work in a heavily populated region, and can only work in a watered down form in a smaller community. Even the smallest communities will require some form of governing order, and will inevitably turn to a leader or a leadership body (a governor or a government). It is my understanding that most anarchists are minarchists, they just dont realize it. Virtually every self proclaimed anarchist I speak with concedes that a community needs law and order, but they fail to define how they will enforce it. They use words like volunteer, but people volunteer to obey laws as readily as they volunteer to break them. A law without enforcement is equal to nothing. If someone breaks a law, how will their lawlessness be rectified? How will justice be served? What is the incentive to remain lawful? The solutions to these problems will result in some form of governance. Keeping that government simple and small is the key. Constitutional Republic was a great idea, probably the best of them all, but ours relied too heavily on The Peoples attentive jealousy of liberty. I feel the experiment deserves another try with some added checks. However, keeping in mind that at least one of our authors stated that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time-to-time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, it isnt necessarily our founders failures to add the appropriate checks that has defaulted us now, but it is our failure to refresh the tree of liberty as they recommended. There is no utopia. Until the human race evolves into a perfect being, there is no hope for the sustainability of self governance, not when there are neighbors requiring diplomatic boundaries, and there will always be haves and have nots impeding progress. If individual need and greed isnt enough to throw the community off course, there is always religion to act as the spoiler of proof that, no, we cant all just get along. Come to think of it, in a perfect world, communism isnt such a bad idea either. In a perfect world...
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 16:36:37 +0000

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