Anatomy of Your Health - Part 2 Six On-Line Live Seminars. - TopicsExpress


Anatomy of Your Health - Part 2 Six On-Line Live Seminars. Weekly, June 11~ July 16 Insights Worth Knowing This coming Wednesday evening, I begin Part II of my on-line Reflections class, Anatomy of Your Health. This is a six-part class in which I focus on the energetic causes behind specific categories of illnesses and chronic health concerns. This is a class that is very important to me for several reasons, not the least of which is that the subject matter has its threads in my thirty years of work as a medical intuitive. I identified the energy anatomy system and its relationship to illness and the chakras about twenty-five years ago and since that time, it’s become the basis for nearly everyone in the field. I’ve invited participates to send an email to me via the web site with any special concerns, as I will do my best to address those within the body of my lectures. (The topics are listed in the write up on Reflections.) I hope you’ll join me for this class, as I love teaching this subject. But I thought this evening I would add a few extra thoughts about why I love teaching all the Reflections classes so much. One truth that I make certain I always impart to my workshop or lecture audiences is that it is a privilege to be alive at this time in human history. Just think about that. I mean, who ever thinks about the era in which they are living??? But you should!!! One day in the future, people will actually wonder about us, and the choices we made and why we did what we did. Look around you. Everywhere we look, change abounds. The old and familiar ways of life are melting away in front of our eyes. No doubt, many people find the speed at which our world is changing to be overwhelming. Yet, simultaneously humanity has never experienced such an outpouring of new knowledge about, well, virtually everything. Everyone has at some time wondered about what other time in history they would want to visit if they could. Among the more popular choices are ancient Egypt, the beginning of the Christian Era, and the early Renaissance when Michelangelo and Di Vinci were alive. As tempting as it is to go backwards in time, I would choose to go forward. Given the dynamics of this time in which we are living and the outpouring of knowledge that holds the potential to reshape the human experience, I would want to see how well we ultimately navigated this vital moment in human history. What type of knowledge am I speaking about? Well, people like you and me are in the business of discovering an entirely new template of information about who we are and the nature of our consciousness. We are piecing together bit by bit a completely different model of how we function, one that integrates levels of us that we cannot even see, touch, hear, or measure through any conventional scientific means. And yet, we are realizing that the real power operating the physical body is invisible. Those coming from a spiritual tradition would maintain perhaps that they have long held the position that soul is the battery of the physical body. But even that long running theology has never included the way in which we now connect attitudes to specific illnesses, or stress patterns to chronic pain. It is apparent that we are experiencing our own Renaissance, a type of mystical Renaissance in which we are making quantum leaps in understanding the nature of our own consciousness and what it means to become “conscious”. How incredible is that? Among the numerous truths that have animated over these past six decades are: We influence our realities by the choices we make; our emotions and thoughts influence our health and healing; and the body and the soul function as a working partnership. These three principles of consciousness alone have shifted the direction of human history, if for no other reason than people have awaked to the realization that they are not victimized by illness – or by any life catastrophe or challenge. We are living at a time in which everything we know about power is being redefined – from basic fossil fuel to the power of the human soul. Think about that!!! We are living through a cosmic transformation that is directing us to realize that power originates in our thoughts and energy. While that has always been the truth, becoming conscious of that truth is equal to becoming partners in the dynamics of creation. We now know that our thoughts are active creative agents. Realizing that one truth will redirect the future of humanity. And one of the laboratories in which this cosmic drama is being played out is our physical body, our mind, our emotions and our soul. We are each a cosmic laboratory unto ourselves. That one truth should make you want to know everything you can about yourself – and certainly everything about the nature of your own consciousness. You now have choice about how to handle illnesses because you know how powerful your choices and attitudes are. How can I not teach this message? Whether I present through health or mysticism or archetypes or history – at the end of the day, I am teaching you about the emerging consciousness in human nature. How can you not want to learn this message? So – I’ll see you Wednesday at 7:30 CST. Love, Caroline All classes are archived for your 24/7 viewing pleasure Full Series – Six Live On-line Seminars. $175 (save $35 off full-price) or $35.00 per class myss/CMED/workshops/reflections/series-5-2.asp
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:34:20 +0000

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