Ancestors are important... Honor them and they will help you... - TopicsExpress


Ancestors are important... Honor them and they will help you... Blood is who you are... So many people are missing one of the most important steps...real talk, to those of you out there asking me about honoring your ancestors or you have an issue with deities. Yes we believe in God/Goddess and yes we pray.. there is a chain of command and we follow it.... Dont judge me and i wont judge you... It is not my place to come into this world to judge you.. its my place in this world and this life time to love, heal and be a better person than I was yesterday. Sometimes you just gotta brush your shoulders off and say NO! Have Faith. you are special and if your solitary or trying to learn then good for you... Kudos.. because that means you choose to have a path... that was already written for you but not to go one way but your way. if you dont pray, words are powerful in 3,5,6,9 x( thats a spell) affirmations work. Do what makes you feel good. I want to send a shout out to all the people who have changed me and showed me so much because as much as i have given , I have learned this year too. (too many to list) With my mom passing its hard...if you lost a loved one.. it does get easier. it takes time to heal and we are human. I have listed a few affirmations for you guys that keep as reminders, use or just test. you can write your own. I have alot listed on my website too. katzrodriguez Its changing daily ... Little by little I am adding stuff and doing more to give more powerful information for you that can make a small or huge difference in your life. Now ask yourself, what are you greatful for?
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:39:28 +0000

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