Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana - TopicsExpress


Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel.* PART A: Opening the Rishiac Eye- Activating the Adhrana Triangulation Preparation: Activate Lotus Bud and 24 ManA Lotus Breaths and run simple Optical-Pineal Induction of Mahadra-Adhrana Kristos Code. Sit or stand comfortably, eyes closed and call to mind the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, imagining its image positioned at the 6th Chakra on the inside of your forehead. INHALE slowly drawing both electrical and magnetic Heliotalic Current in on a VERTICAL AXIS from Chakra-14 36 above your head, into the AzurA at the Thymus Base, then EXHALE, using the Heliotalic frequency to form a grapefruit-sized Heliotalic Ball within the AzurA. INHALE another Heliotalic breath from Chakra-14, EXHALE the frequency into the Heliotalic Ball at the AzurA, then breath naturally while imagining the Heliotalic Ball rises upward from the AzurA, through your Central Verticle Current, and into the Pineal Gland Le-Teu-A at brain center. INHALE a Heliotalic breath from Chakra-14 down to the Pineal-Le-Teu-A, then EXHALE, using the Heliotalic frequency to form a small, egg-sized Heliotalic Egg within the Pineal- Le-Teu-A. Breath normally for several breaths with mental attention focused upon the egg-sized Heliotalic Egg at the Le-Teu-A. Now, INHALE and EXHALE slowly, while imagining that the 6-Point Lotus Breath flow is opening within the Heliotalic Egg at the Pineal-Le-Teu-A. Take 3 INHALE-EXHALE Lotus Breaths, on each EXHALE directing the Heliotalic frequency into the Lotus Flow with the Heliotalic Egg at the Pineal-Le-Teu-A. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA center, and imagine that the energized Heliotalic Egg at the Pineal-Le-Teu-A now begins to move slowly forward on a horizontal plane toward the Mahadra-Adhrana Code image you earlier imagined on the inside of your forehead at Chakra 6. Imagine or observe internally that the Heliotalic Egg moves slowly forward horizontally toward the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, but gently stops movement in a region of the brain called the Optic Chasm, before extending outward to the inside of the forehead. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and imagine or observe internally as the Mahadra-Adhrana Code on the inside of your forehead begins to move slowly toward and into the Heliotalic Egg stationed at the Optic Chasm. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the AzurA then EXHALE upward, expanding the EXHALE breath into the Mahadra-Adhrana-encoded Heliotalic Egg in the Optic Chasm. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA while imagining that the energized-encoded Heliotalic Egg now moves backward into the Pineal-Le-Teu-A, and is rapidly pulled down your Central Vertical Current into the Mahadra Cup waiting at the 13th Chakra in Earth Core. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the AzurA then EXHALE forcefully downward into the Heliotalic Egg within the Mahadra Cup in Chakra-13 Earth Core. INHALE forcefully and rapidly, using the INHALE Breath to draw the Heliotalic Egg upward, back into the Pineal- Le-Teu-A, then EXHALE slowly, gently pushing the encoded Heliotalic Egg horizontally forward back into the Optic Chasm position. Return to simple Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, while keeping mental attention on the Heliotalic Egg at the Optic Chasm. Imagine that the encoded Heliotalic Egg at the Optic Chasm begins to gently spin Clock-wise (towards the right) on its vertical axis, rapidly reaching critical mass spin speed and blurring until the Heliotalic Egg suddenly pops gently, expanding the Mahadra-Adhrana Code into the Optic Chasm. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and imagine or observe that the Mahadra-Adhrana Code at the Optic Chasm rapidly expands outward to become a Counter-clockwise spinning encoded Heliotalic Sphere within the entire brain structure inside of your head. Turn your mental attention to the Pineal-Le-Teu-A at the center of the brain, and observe that a horizontal tube of Heliotalic light has now opened between the Pineal-Le-Teu-A and the Optic Chasm. Now imagine that this hotizontal tube of Heliotalic light bends downward, extending diagonally from both the Optic Chasm and Pineal-Le-Teu-A to a third point below and a bit forward from the Pineal-Le-Teu-A. This third point represents the Adhrana Center, the control center of the Hypothalamus. Imaging that the encoded sphere of Heliotalic light continues to rotate counter-clockwise within the entirety of your brain, as the 3-point triangular tube of Heliotalic light, called the Adhrana Triangulation, grows brighter and stronger with Heliotalic intensity. INHALE a final Lotus Breath at the AzurA, the EXHALE forcefully, using the exhale breath to push Heliotalic current up from the AzurA, into and through the Pineal-Le-Teu-A, then horizontally forward through the Heliotalic tube into the Optic Chasm point of the Adhrana Triangulation. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA and imagine, or observe, that the Optic Chasm point of the Adhrana Triangulation now expands to become a small eye-ball-sized sphere, the TRUE Rajhna Inner Rishiac Eye or 3rd Eye. Imagine that the Inner Rishiac eyeball at the Optic Chasm Adhrana Triangulation point flashes quickly an image of the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, which then quickly disappears, revealing within the Rishiac Eye images of scenes or information revealed to you by your Christiac-Rishiac Identity. Return to normal relaxed breathing and open your eyes. ________________________________________________ Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel.* PART B: Releasing the Solar Cross Orion Implant Clearing the Adhrana Band with the Blue-Black Wave Infusion (Done live on August 14, 2003 Day-2 workshop as Orion Activation Blue-Black Wave Infusion (D9 Base Tone/D10 Over Tone) initiated. Can be done any time following Planetary Orion Activation) Begin by toning three rounds of Um ah A ThrA E na A Eckasha Activate the Lotus Flow - Technique 1 from Hetharo. The following tone will connect your fields to open to the seed atom in the Arc Azura, sing with your own tune until it feels complete. 12 rounds recommended. ah kem tah A ZE nah Tone 3 times - Um ah A ThrA E na A Eckasha Tone 3 times - Um et a Ur nam A sa Ur Eckasha Breath slowly and quietly, lotus breathing. Draw you attention to the seed atom in the center of the Maharic Shield - 12 below your feet, and the shield stationed within the Azura. Bring to mind the Mahadra Adhrana Shield in your Azur-A, and at the center of your Maharic Shield. The center ring is spinning clockwise. The outer ring is spinning counter-clockwise. Imagine that the seed atom extends like a slender pillar up and downwards, on your central vertical current, until the one at the Azura joins with the one at the Maharic Shield. The one at the Azura reaches up to chakra 14, 36 above the head. The one at the Maharic Shield reaches down to the earths core. Take 3 rapid lotus breaths, embue (filling) the channel between earths core and chakra 14 with Heliotalic frequency, (Pale Pastel Rainbow colors mixed with Pale Silver). On the final exhale, exhale forcefully pulling up from the Mahadra at earths core a Blue - Black, Pale Pastel, Pale Silver, stream of Liquid Light energy. This extends all the way up through the central vertical current up to chakra 14, 36 above your head. Now put your palms together with palms not quite touching, in praying hands position. Feel the fuzziness in the etheric fields. Place your hands in front of Azura area. Imagine now that the Heliotalic flow is activated in the main vertical current and it is like a Heliotalic tube and inside of it is the blue/ black stellar wave infusion frequencies. Imagine now that the tube of Heliotalic frequency divides and there is a part that is still going up and a part that goes out horizontally, down the arms and into the palms. Try and feel this flow opening, it is carrying the stellar wave infusion down the arms, but it is still buffered with the Heliotalics. Once it gets down to the palms, before it connects between the chakras, do a couple of relaxed 6 pointed breaths and on the next inhale, Inhale and hold the breath for a long as naturally comfortable and build charge. Exhale forcefully, pushing the Stellar Wave Infusion frequencies down the arms. Continue breathing the Wave Infusion frequencies down the arms and out the palms to build a Heliotalic bar out of this tube, that has within it the wave infusion. Hold the hands straight instead of cupping them, to make the energy feel more like a bar, Use simple lotus breathing to charge this bar, as it moves down the arms. Move your palms in and out, back and forth, as the bar starts to build. Keep building the bar of frequency between the palms. It does not matter how thick the tube is, some may feel it strongly others may not. By pushing it in then out, it strengthens it and the breaths will continue to amplify it until your hands are out to about shoulder width. Continue until you have built the bar sufficiently, till you can still feel its connection, with your hands at shoulder width. With the hands at shoulder width, the Bar of frequency between them, move your hands up to the 3rd eye level on each side of your head, as if you were holding a bar in between your hands right at the 3rd eye level in front of your forehead. Take 3 gentle Heliotalic lotus breaths. On the next inhale, Inhale and move the bar right into the center of your head, palms on each side of your head. Inhale and hold for a moment. Exhale, using the exhale breath to push and break the bar in the middle of the center of your head. The Bar moves right out of your hands and into a ball in the center of your head. Leave it there for a few minutes, a little sphere of Heliotalic buffered blue/ black wave infusion frequencies. Put your hands down and just relax. This will begin the process of releasing the Hypothalamic Band, this is going to begin uncrossing the unnatural crosses that were in the optic nerves, in the optic chasm. Now imagine inside of your head, the place where you have the Adhrana triangulation. Imagine that through that triangle, there is a spike running horizontal through your head, almost like a knitting needle, going from left to right. That image will represent the Hypothalamic Band mutation. Now imagine the sphere of Heliotalic light with the blue-black stellar wave infusion inside of it, is positioned now as if it were a ball on the knitting needle, in the center of the triangulation. Take a lotus inhale and hold the breath. Exhale sharply pushing and squishing the ball into the knitting needle. It runs down the knitting needle, some to the right and some to the left, running through the whole needle. Now take the left hand and raise it up as if you were going to find the end of that knitting needle out in your auric field. Inhale and exhale a gentle lotus breath down your left hand and imagine a fuzzy ball of energy in your palm. Try to imagine the knitting needle has a cap on the end and a point coming out the other side and imagine you can find the cap now with your left hand. Make your physical hand do the gesture, this anchors it down to the D1 template. With gentle Heliotalic breaths slowly pull it out of your head, there is no resistance at all. When you feel it is completely out, let it go as if you were dropping it, your Avatar self or higher will take it and turn it back into natural energy. THE RETURN / OR THE GIFT With eyes closed, focus on the blue/ black sphere in the Adhrana triangulation. Draw 3 Heliotalic breaths into the blue /black sphere in the Adhrana triangulation, On the 3rd and final exhale, Exhale forcefully to temporarily move the sphere to the Maharic Shield center, 12 below your feet. From this position you can gift this facility to the Indigo family, whether they are awake or not. Inhale forcefully into the temporary blue/black sphere at the center of the Maharic shield and forcefully Exhale, pushing the frequencies of the sphere in all directions on a horizontal plane, with the intention of pushing it into the indigo shield, making it available to all who can anchor the frequencies. Take a couple of easy breaths while preparing the return of the gift to the planetary grids. Inhale forcefully, and on the next exhale push the ball down to the Mahadra Adhrana at the center of Earths core. Leave it there momentarily and take a few gentle Lotus Breaths. Inhale forcefully, pulling the sphere up to the Azura. Breath easy for a couple of seconds. Take 3 supercharging 6 Point Lotus Breaths into the blue/black sphere in the Azura. On the final 3rd exhale, Exhale forcefully pushing the blue/black Heliotalic frequencies out on the lotus grid in all directions. Take a final gentle deep Inhale breath into the Azura. On the exhale breath, Exhale the blue/black sphere to its original position in the Adhrana triangulation, in the center of the head. ________________________________________________ Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel.* PART C: Releasing the Solar Cross Andromeda Implant Clearing the Eumbi Band with the Silver-Black Wave Infusion Preparation: Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel PART A: Opening the Rishiac Eye- Activating the Adhrana Triangulation and PART B: Releasing the Solar Cross Orion Implant- Clearing the Adhrana Band with the Blue-Black Wave Infusion Sit or stand comfortably, eyes closed and call to mind the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, imagining its image positioned at the 6th Chakra on the inside of your forehead. INHALE slowly drawing both electrical and magnetic Heliotalic Current in on a VERTICAL AXIS from Chakra-14 36 above your head, into the AzurA at the Thymus Base, then EXHALE, using the Heliotalic frequency to form a grapefruit-sized Heliotalic Ball within the AzurA. INHALE another Heliotalic breath from Chakra-14, EXHALE the frequency into the Heliotalic Ball at the AzurA, then breath naturally while imagining the Heliotalic Ball moving downward to the Mahadra Cup in Chakra-13 Earth Core. Take a series of 3 rapid INHALE/EXHALE Heliotalic Lotus Breaths from the Heliotalic Ball in the Mahadra Cup, then INHALE one further Lotus Breath and HOLD to build charge. EXHALE forcefully, directing the Heliotalic frequency into the Heliotalic Ball in the Mahadra Cup, while imagining or observing that the Heliotalic Ball within the Mahadra Cup pops, releasing a brilliant Heliotalic Starburst into the Mahadra Cup. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing and observe that the inside of the Mahadra Cup slowly begins to glow with a deep Silver-Black liquid light, until the entire Mahadra Cup is filled. INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath into the AzurA, then forcefully EXHALE the breath downward into the Mahadra Cup, observing as the Heliotalic frequency forms a Heliotalic Egg around the entire Mahadra Cup. INHALE a Lotus Breath from the Mahadra Cup, using the Inhale breath to draw the entire Mahadra Cup up through the Central Vertical Current to the Eumbi Point just below the navel. EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to release the Mahadra Cup within the Heliotalic Ball into the Eumbi Point Celestite Crystal Core. Taking gentle Lotus Breaths now from the Eumbi Point, imagine that there is an Electric Blue Metallic ROD extending on a horizontal plane within your body, from Kathara Center-3 (right) to Kathara Center-4 (left), and running directly through the Eumbi Core Crystal; this is the unnatural Eumbi Band created by the Metatronic Solar Cross Andromeda Implant. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the Eumbi Core, using the Inhale breath to push the Mahadra Cup within the Heliotalic Egg, (still stationed within the Eumbi Crystal), into alignment along the shaft of the Eumbi Band within the Eumbi Core Crystal. EXHALE forcefully into the Mahadra Cup/Heliotalic Egg, and observe as the Heliotalic frequency from the Exhale breath splits into two directions as it enters the center of the Mahadra Cup/ Heliotalic Egg, one current of frequency running through the Eumbi Band Rod to right and into Kathara Center-3, the other current running through the Eumbi Band to the left and into Kathara Center-4. INHALE a forceful Lotus Breath into the AzurA Point, then EXHALE forcefully, pushing a line of Heliotalic current down the LEFT arm and into the LEFT palm. Return to gently Lotus Breathing from the Eumbi, and bring your left hand down your side to the Kathara Center-4 position. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the Azura, then EXHALE forcefully, pushing Heliotalic current downward and into the Mahadra Cup/Heliotalic Egg at the Eumbi Core Crystal Center. Breath gentle Lotus Breaths, while imagining that your left hand is now slowly and gently pulling the Eumbi Band Rod out from the side of your body on a horizontal plane. When you sense that the tip of the Eumbi Band Rod that had been fixed into Kathara Center-3 on the right has emerged now from the left side of your body as your left hand has drawn the Eumbi Band Rod out, imagine you are holding the Eumbi Band Rod in your left hand as you lift and extend your left arm out horizontally at shoulder level. When your arm is in position, release the Eumbi Band Rod and imagine that a Heliotalic spark suddenly appears at its center, making the Eumbi Band Rod disappear. Take several, gentle, relaxing Lotus Breaths and open your eyes. The Metatronic Eumbi Band Rod Andromeda implant has now been removed. Stand now and stretch upward, with arms raised over your head and sense the small inner dimensional Merkaba Fields that had been pulled into vertical compaction by the Eumbi Band Rod, now expanding vertically back into their natural positions. Take a physical Walk About immediately, while imagining that Heliotalic current with Dark-Silver liquid light at its center, begins rushing down your legs and into Chakra-13 as you walk. Continue walking at a comfortable pace for at least 10 minutes, taking occasional momentary breaks to stretch the legs if they begin feeling stiff or prickly, or if you sense internal swelling developing within your knees and/or ankles. The Walk-about is ESSENTIAL to prevent residual Eumbi Band Rod metallic fragment energies from lodging within the body. After at least 10 minutes of comfortable walking, stop, sit down, stretch legs gently, and begin gentle Lotus Breathing. Then Imagine your Mahadra Cup within a Heliotalic Egg still within the center of the Eumbi Point Core Crystal. INHALE a final Lotus Breath from the Eumbi, then EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to forcefully push the Mahadra Cup/Heliotalic Egg back down to its natural Chakra-13 Earth Core position. The Heliotalic Egg surrounding the Mahadra Cup will slowly dissipate on its own. Note: If you cannot walk due to physical disability or medical reasons, you may still use this technique but it is essential to conduct it with a partner who can gently but firmly massage one leg, as you massage the other, during the Walk-about period. It is essential that this massage continue without interruption for AT LEAST 30 minutes, to ensure sufficient clearing of Metatronic Eumbi Band Rod energy fragments. If massage of legs, due to skin or muscle damage, is not possible, massage (again with partner for simultaneous work on both legs) of the Etheric Body about 1 inch above the skin can be substituted. ________________________________________________ Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel.* PART D: Releasing the Grand Cross Lyran Implant Clearing the Metatronic Monad with the Maharic Wave Infusion Preparation: Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel- PART A: Opening the Rishiac Eye- Activating the Adhrana Triangulation, PART B: Releasing the Solar Cross Orion Implant- Clearing the Adhrana Band with the Blue-Black Wave Infusion and PART C: Releasing the Solar Cross Andromeda Implant -Clearing the Eumbi Band with the Silver-Black Wave Infusion Sit quietly with eyes closed and begin gentle 6-point Lotus Breathing from the AzurA. Move your attention to the center of the AzurA and imagine that within the AzurAs Azurite Core Crystal there is a tiny crystalline microchip encased in a grayish-white jelly-like spherical capsule. This grayish-white jelly-like capsule is called the Metatronic Sac. Within the Metatronic Sac there is a cluster of 4 deep majenta-red nodules called the Metatronic Monadic Heart. At the center point of the 4 nodules of the Metatronic Heart there is a singular metallic Gold Cube called the Metatronic Cube. INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath into the AzurA and into the Gold Metatronic Cube, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to fill the Gold Metatronic Cube with Heliotalic light. INHALE another Heliotalic Lotus Breath into the Gold Metatronic Cube at the AzurA, then use the EXHALE breath to forcefully push the Gold Metatronic Cube from the AzurA downward to the center of the 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra. INHALE another Lotus Breath into the AzurA, then EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to push a current of Heliotalic light down the Central Vertical Current and into the Kathara Center-5 at the Navel. Imagine that within Kathara Center-5 at the Navel there is another Cube colored shiny metallic Black. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the EUmbi Point just below the Navel, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current upward and into the Black Cube at Kathara Center-5 Navel. Take 3 Inhale/Exhale Lotus Breaths into the Eumbi Point, using each Exhale to push Heliotalic Current up and into the Black Cube at Kathara Center-5 Navel. Place your attention next upon the center point of your Maharic Shield, 12 inches below your feet. INHALE a Lotus Breath from the Mahadra Point in Chakra-13 Earth Core, then EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current from Chakra-13 up to the center point of your Maharic Shield. Breathe several gentle Lotus Breaths from Chakra-13, using each Exhale breath to build and expand a Heliotalic Ball at the Mahadra Point in Chakra-13. INHALE another Lotus Breath at Chakra-13 and into the Heliotalic Ball, then forcefully EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to push the Heliotalic Ball upward from Chakra-13 and into the center of your Maharic Shield 12-inches below your feet. Now, INHALE a thick stream of Pale Silver D-12 Maharic Current from the center of the Maharic Shield and EXHALE this Maharic Current into the center of the Heliotalic Ball that is still stationed in the Maharic Shield center point, filling the Heliotalic Ball with Pale Silver D-12 Maharic liquid light. INHALE a Lotus Breath from the Mahadra point at Chakra-13 Earth Core, then forcefully EXHALE, using the Exhale Breath to push Heliotalic Current up from Chakra-13 to the Heliotalic Ball at the Maharic Shield center, pushing the Heliotalic Ball upward to the Metatronic Black Cube that is still stationed in Kathara Center-5 Navel. INHALE a Lotus Breath now from the Eumbi point just below the Navel, and EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current up to the Mewtatronic Black Cube and Heliotalic Ball at Kathara Center-5 Navel. Take another Lotus Breath, this time from the AzurA point, and EXHALE, using the Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current downward, through the GOLD Metatronic Cube stationed at Chakra-3 Solar Plexus, and into Kathara Center-5 Navel. Imagine that the Heliotalic Current coming down from the AzurA at the Thymus Base, pushes the Chakra-3 Solar Plexus Gold Metatronic Cube down and into the Black Cube and Heliotalic Ball at Kathara Center-5 Navel, then pushes the Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes and the Heliotalic Ball slightly downward from Kathara Center-5 Navel and into the Eumbi point just below the Navel. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the Eumbi point, using the Inhale breath to draw Heliotalic Current into the Heliotalic Ball at the Eumbi, expanding the Heliotalic Ball until it forms an egg-shaped capsule around the Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes at the Eumbi. EXHALE forcefully, pushing the Heliotalic Egg, with Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes inside, down into Chakra-13 Earth Core. Breathe gentle Lotus Breaths while imagining that Chakra-13 Earth Core now opens like a round, horizontal Well, with Pale Turquoise D-13 light inside. Imagine that the Heliotalic Egg with Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes inside is now drawn into the D-13 Pale Turquoise light within the Chakra-13 Well and that the Chakra-13 Well now closes. The Metatronic Cube Implants, the Grand Cross Lyran Implants of the Artificial Reversed Metatronic Monad are now removed from your organic 15-Dimensional Anatomy, as the energies of which the implants were composed transmute upon contact with natural Base-12 D-13 light, returning to their matrix of origin. INHALE a final Lotus Breath into the AzurA, drawing Pale Gold Golden Fleece frequency from your outer field Flame Body into the AzurA upon the Heliotalic carrier wave. EXHALE gently, slowly filling the Azurite Core Crystal at the AzurA center with Pale Gold Golden Fleece light. Observe as the 4 deep magenta-red Metatronic nodules still stationed within the Azurite Core Crystal gently dissolve and disappear as the Azurite Crystal fills with the Golden Fleece frequency of the Arc of the Covenant Host field. Your Metatronic Monad-Lyran Implant system, genetically carried through the Gaian-Taran Race Karma line, is now removed. In two weeks time following this Hethalon Technique-1D, the Golden Fleece Arc of the Covenant Host frequencies will reach critical mass accretion within your natural Christiac Monadic Shield, allowing the artificial Reversed Metatronic Shield and Metatronic Merkaba Field to gently but progressively separate (between now and 2012) from your natural Christiac Merkaba Field and Divine Blueprint Shield, within the Planetary Golden Fleece Buffer Field. ________________________________________________ Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel.* PART E: Releasing the Metatronic Shield & Reversed Merkaba Field Separating the Metatronic Shield with the Kee-Ra-ShA/Khundaray Wave Infusion Preparation: Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel- PART A: Opening the Rishiac Eye- Activating the Adhrana Triangulation, PART B: Releasing the Solar Cross Orion Implant- Clearing the Adhrana Band with the Blue-Black Wave Infusion, PART C: Releasing the Solar Cross Andromeda Implant -Clearing the Eumbi Band with the Silver-Black Wave Infusion and PART D: Releasing the Grand Cross Lyra Implant -Clearing the Metatronic Monad with the Maharic Wave Infusion. Sit quietly with eyes closed and begin gentle 6-point Lotus Breathing from the AzurA. Call to mind the Azurite Core Crystal at the center of the AzurA, and imagine that you can see a spherical capsule of beautiful Golden-Silver-ONE (D-8/D-12/D-14) light surrounding and permeating the Azurite Core Crystal; this Golden-Silver-ONE capsule represents the critical mass accretion field of the Arc of the Covenant Golden Fleece Host Buffer initiated in Hethalon Technique-1 PART D. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA while focusing your attention upon the spherical Golden-Silver-ONE capsule surrounding the Azurite Core Crystal, then INHALE Heliotalic Current into the Azurite Core Crystal at the AzurA, hold breath for a comfortable length of time to build charge, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to forcefully push an intense burst of Heliotalic Current from the Azuite Core Crystal upward and diagonally to the right, directly into the Kathara Center-6 point within the right shoulder area. Imagine that there is a microscopic deep magenta-red nodule Metatronic Implant, known as the Sirian Nodule, implanted deep within the Kathara-6 Center; observe that the Heliotalic Current exhaled to Kathara-Center-6 in step-3 above now automatically Phase-locks, or locks onto the Kathara Center-6 Sirian Nodule Metatronic Implant. Continue at least 3 rounds of gentle Inhale/Exhale Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, using each EXHALE to send a burst of amplifying Heliotalioc Current from the AzurA diagonally up and to the right and into the Sirian Nodule Metatronic Implant. After at least 3 rounds of amplifying Heliotalic Lotus Breaths, INHALE forcefully, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to push a current of Golden-Silver-ONE frequency from the Golden Fleece capsule around the Azurite Core Crystal in the AzurA, diagonally up and to the right and into the Sirian Nodule Implant within Kathara Center-6. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and imagine that the Golden-Silver-ONE current now surrounds and permeates the Sirian Nodule Implant in the Kathara Center-6, forming a spherical capsule of Golden-Silver-ONE light around the Sirian Nodule Implant. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, using each EXHALE breath to direct more Golden-Silver-ONE current from the Golden Fleece capsule around the Azurite Core Crystal and into the Golden Fleece capsule surrounding the Sirian Nodule Implant in Karthara Center-6, progressively amplifying the intensity and brightness of both Golden-Silver-ONE Golden Fleece capsules. INHALE another Heliotalic Lotus Breath from the AzurA, then forcefully EXHALE, again diagonally upward and to the right, but this time directing Heliotalic current further upward and into Kathara Center-9, in the brain behind the right ear. At Kathara Center-9 you have accessed the Sirian Nodule Implant Control Node, the anchoring point for the PCM universe 34CCW-R inverted reversed Metatronic Merkaba Field, from which you can release the Kathara Centers-9/4 diagonal center axis of the Metatronic Merkaba Field and corresponding aspects of the Metatronic Shield. INHALE a slow, deep Lotus Breath from the AzurA, drawing in a thick 6-point current of Heliotalic light into a Heliotalic Ball within the Azurite Core Crystal and hold the Inhale breath comfortably to build charge. EXHALE, slowly and firmly, using the Exhale breath to direct a thick Heliotalic Current from the Heliotalic Ball in the Azurite Core Crystal diagonally and upward to the right and into the Sirian Nodule Implant Control Node within Kathara Center-9 in the brain behind the right ear. INHALE another Heliotalic Lotus breath into the AzurA, shift your attention to Kathara Center-9, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to push a thick tube of Heliotalic Current from Kathara Center-9 diagonally downward and toward the left, through the AzurA and across the inside of the body to a minute Metatronic Implant Node in Kathara Center-4 on the left (left ovary in women, left urethra in men). Imagine that a Heliotalic Tube now extends from the Kathara Center-9 Control Node anchoring point in the brain behind the right ear, diagonally downward through the body and to the second Node anchoring point in Kathara Center-4 on the lower left of body. INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath from the AzurA, then EXHALE forcefully, using the EXHALE breath to extend the Heliotalic Tube horizontally to the right, from the Kathara Center-4 Node anchoring point to a corresponding Metatronic Implant Node in Kathara Center-3, on the right side of the body directly opposite Kathara Center-4. Continue gentle Heliotalic Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and shift your attention back to the Sirian Implant Nodule Control Node in Kathara Center-9 in brain behind right ear. Observe or imagine that the minute Metatronic Control Node in Kathara Center-9 has been directing a counter-clockwise rotating current of Electrical Blue-Violet D-13R frequency diagonally downward to Kathara Center-4; this unnatural CCW D-13R Metatronic current fuels the CCW rotation of the PCM Universe 34CCW Metatronic Shield and Merkaba Field. With your attention on the Sirian Nodule Implant Control Node in Kathara Center -9, and the CCW D-13R current it is generating, firmly INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath from the AzurA, then forcefully EXHALE a stream of Clock-wise spiraling Heliotalic Current diagonally upward to the right and into the Control Node in Kathara Center-9. Take 6 more rapid Inhale/Exhale Lotus Breaths, using each Exhale to intensify and amplify the Clockwise spiraling stream of Heliotalic Current running from the AzurA to the Control Node in Kathara Center-9. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and observe or imagine that the Counter-clockwise rotating D-13R current emanating from the Control Node in Kathara Center-9 momentarily stops rotating, then reverses to a Clockwise spin. As the D-13R current from the Control Node momentarily stops then reverses to Clockwise spin, the 34CCW Metatronic Shield and Merkaba Field correspondingly briefly stop then reverse to Clockwise spin, initiating separation between the unnatural Metatronic Shield Template and the natural Christiac Shield Divine Blueprint. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA and return your attention to Kathara Center-3 on the lower right side of the body, and the previously constructed Heliotalic Tube running from Kathara Center-9, to Kathara Center-4 to Kathara Center-3. INHALE into the AzurA, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to push two diagonal Heliotalic Currents from the AzurA, through the diagonal Heliotalic Tube, one current moving up to Kathara Center-9, the other moving simultaneously downward into Kathara Center-4. INHALE again from the AzurA, and EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale Breath to direct a final Heliotalic Current diagonally downward only, first into Kathara Center-4, then horizontally to the right and into Kathara Center-3. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing, and observe now that a large flat disc of deep magenta-crimson light briefly flashes on within and around the body on a vertical plane; this is the Metatronic Shield. Imagine now that this Metatronic Shield disc begins a slow gentle Clockwise rotation as it begins spiraling outward from your body, in front of you and then disappears. Take a final INHALE from the AzurA, then EXHALE forcefully, using the Exhale breath to direct a stream of Heliotalic Current diagonally upward to the right and into the Sirian Nodule Implant in Kathara Center-6 in the right shoulder area. Return to gently Lotus Breathing and observe as the Sirian Nodule Implant at Kathara Center-6 pops to become a starburst of Golden-Silver-ONE light, and as the Sirian Nodule Implant transmutes, tiny starbursts of Golden-Silver-ONE light emerge within Kathara Centers 1 through 11, as all remaining Sirian Nodule Implant Nodes also transmute and disappear. Return to normal breathing with eyes closed and observe or imagine that the Kee-Ra-ShA Trinity Flame D13-14-15 runs up from Chakra-13 Earth Core into and through every cell of your body at up to Chakra-14 36 above the head. The Metatronic Shield is now successfully separated from your natural Divine Blueprint Shield within the Golden-Silver-ONE Golden Fleece Buffer field. [azuritepress/techniques]
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:10:08 +0000

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