Ancient civilisation of KUTCh, its relation to ancient - TopicsExpress


Ancient civilisation of KUTCh, its relation to ancient civilisation all over the world, GEOMETRIC Solutions, If you can understand trigonometric maps! Dear Friends of Science History and Astronomy. As described in previous discussion (added to bottom of this email) all civilisations are linked to Indo Saraswati civilisation. And spread all over the world including UAE, Mesopotamia, Egypt and far across Atlantic in Maya, Inca and Machapichu. Looking at the geometric scaled maps and studying their trigonometric relations suggests that those all major civilisations are on the sine curve of the angle of the Earth tilt. Eg sine curve of 23.5 degrees. World SINE CURVE MAP If picture are not sen here - are attached to email. Here are those proofs of the major civilisations places on the sign curve of 23.5 degrees. Not only that but they all are linked with a geometric scales (circle centred at IndoSaraswati civilisation centre in Kutch). And later developments also followed that trend to keep a geometric and trigonometric relation to older civilisations. Worlds Geometry/Trigonometric RELATION MAP Eg circle centred at indo Saraswati civilisation centre in Kutch pass trough EGYPT . Angkorwat, Mesopotamia etc and also they are not only equidistance but also at equal angle of the Earth tilt. These all are well calculated and well planned activity that is not understood by many archaeologists and astronomers too. They also had very good calculative geometric and space science knowledge that is difficult to realise / understand by present Astronomist as they are still dependent to machinery and electronic instruments and deprived of self calculative powerful logic ideas. That’s why today archaeologists and astronomers still struggle to understand Stonehenge and not able to get concussive meaning of sign boards in Dholavira Indosaraswati civilisation. Though every one gives their own views but still far from reality. Similarly Egypt’s flying machines carved in tomb pillar lenturns are not known till date though have been captured in 2000. Here ARE maps of solstice winter and summer and both equinox and its relation to the worlds archaeological sites is shown in diagrammatic maps. Also sign curve map with positions of main archaeological sites, Stonehenge mapping and geometric / trigonometric relations MAP of the civilisation are centred at IndosSraswati IN kutch. Stonehenge mapping AND MYSTERY OF SOLSTICES. Though THE SOLSTICE NAMED as winter/summer solstice are named incorrectly. Solstice named on the position of the sun. and not the seasons. Where the sun goes eg SUN goes extreme south is southern solstice AND NOT THE WINTER SOLSTICE AS THERE IS SUN THERE IS ALWAYS SUMMER. WINTER SOLTICE HAPPENS WHEN SUN IS EXTREME SOUTH ON TROPIC OF CAPRICONE IN 21DEC. ITS WINTER IN NORTH BUT SUMMER THERE WHERE SOLSTICE IN SOUTH WHER SUN IS AT TROPIC OF CAPRICON. And sun goes extreme north is Northern solstice. THOUGH EQUINOX IS NAMED CORRECTLY. Origin of river is the oldest source of river water. if water in the river Origin dries rest of the river also dries along the path. e.g. JAMNOTRI / GANGOTRI etc. Even if the river dries at the distant end the underground water flows if the origin of the river has the water source. e.g. Gaggar Hakara of Saraswati river basin. If distant end of river water becomes scarce or dries up the river bed at distant end of the river, the civilisation dependent on water of the river will have to move upstream of the river for the source of water. Civilisations Move upstream to wards the origin of river for water as time passed and as water become scarcely at distant end of the river. Civilisation on the river banks of the river SARASWATI and civilisations in the Kutch moved upstream to the riverbed where water source was available. Similarly to the river basin of the Indus as river Indus and river Saraswati has common mouth in the present RANN of the KUTCH when it was in the form of the lake. Also people of the civilisation moved to the other region linked with water and the sea. To the Middle east and Mesopotamia, (See Dholavira film) map available on request also Indus Decoding is available for reference in reference library. Recently No one Visited MARUDA TAKKAR since the area is under the border safety control, but 15000 years older than that of Dholavira !! Ancient port - map available is the worlds oldest port in the RANN of the Kutch in India. Which suggest that, MARUDA TAKKAR was the oldest origin of the civilisation in the world. Awaiting for the research from the ASI research team work. They used typical boat to move all over the world by River water channels and Sea, as Dholavira, Indus, haraapan and Egyptian used. So we see similar Boat symbol, which is common in those civilisations. Civilisations Navigated by Ancient BOATS and astronomical Compass. So Boat symbol remained common for those civilisations, e.g. Kutch Saraswati civilisation, Egypt and Indus as well. Though western and Egyptian archaeological researchers hide many information regarding those facts or do not agree. Or manipulates the in formations. Include Egypt as well as the Egypt itself is suggestive, Egypts Original NAME was MUDRAYA. MUDRAYA name itself suggestive what it means. If any doubts can be cleared with the Linguistic study. name from an ancient Avestha/ Old Persian derived from SANSKRIT. Decoding of Egyptian and OLD PERSIAN AVESTAN languages are available for reference from the reference library. Including ATHARVAN ZARATHUSHTRA (also OLD Persian used atharveda -ATHARVAN ZARATHUSHTRA) ALSO Egyptians worshiped Sun GOD (SURYA), Cows as mother of Gods (KAMDHENU), Snake (NAAG DEVA), Eagle - (GARUDA), Kings Ramses and king dynasty of RAMESIS, Queen of the EGYPTIAN KING RAMESIS first was SITARE , Queen Matare (MATA) from maternal queen dynasty. Queen HATSHEPSUT = HAsT kSHEP SUT - has missing phonatic half letter which is not understood by non phonatic languages like arabic/ egyptian/latins And also Symbolic language used in MUDRAYA - EGYPT is not equvelent to PHONATIC language. Queen HATSHEPSUT / HAsT kSHEP SUT it self suggestive that she was aginst King dynasty and she used the beard and become the Queen of the Egypt. IT interptuted (HAsT kSHEP =HATSHEP) the ruling by King dynasty. and she was not the SUT (SON). Now the name of the queen itself becomes suggestive that Queen HATSHEPSUT = HAsT kSHEP SUT. Ancient Languages SANSKRIT, Old PERSIAN language AVESTHA is similar to SANSKRIT and believed derived from Sanskrit. Decoding is available for the reference form the reference library for the ancient Avestha /Old Persian language which was derived from SANSKRIT. Decoding of Egyptian and OLD PERSIAN AVESTAN languages are available for reference from the reference library. Including ATHARVAN ZARATHUSHTRA (also OLD Persian used Atharva veda -ATHARVAN ZARATHUSHTRA) European Hippies /GIPO believe them selves as original Indian of origin, and also worship STONEHENGE as their worship place as they originated from India and bought Astronomical aspect For the Investigation purpose a trench is underway since 1st April2008 for 2weeks investigations. And if truth is not covered up as usual then findings of ancient potteries and the writing and design will prove the fact. ESKIMOES - believed to be originated from indian of the AMERICAN origin but now that truth has come out to be original ASIANS - not americans - proven with MATERNAL Mitochondrial genetic study. Mitochondrial genetic DNA are the original source of Mother and transmitted from generations to generations from mothers . and Without mother generations do not go on. we can get paternal genes , DNA from any sourse but Mother is always required. that can not be changed. Nothing will grow in space - One need the Mother first even in the space if wish to grow. even to germinate seed one has to take earthern material and water to the space to germinate any thing in the space. Prehistoric Hair Suggests 1st Eskimos Came From Asia news.nationalgeographic/news/2008/05/080529-eskimo-hair.html for National Geographic News May 29, 2008 A clump of frozen human hair from northwest Greenland suggests that the first Eskimos in the New World did not descend from Native Americans as previously thought but came directly from Asia, a new study says. Furthermore, these pioneer settlers of the far north later died out and did not give rise to the Inuit living in Greenland today. The research is based on DNA analysis of ancient hair from a so-called Paleo-Eskimo, which was found preserved in permafrost soil in the Disco Bay area in the 1980s. The hair, which belonged to a male who lived some 4,000 years ago, has provided the first ever complete mitochondrial genome for an ancient human, according to a team led by Tom Gilbert of the Center for Ancient Genetics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child and thus gives a genetic marker to an individuals maternal ancestry. In the ancient Greenland Eskimos case, his hair revealed that his people came from Siberia, the study found. The Paleo-Eskimos genetic relatives survive today only in small pockets in north-eastern Siberia and the Aleutian Islands, which stretch across the Bering Sea from Alaska to Russia, Gilbert said. (See a map of the islands.) Challenging Theories Previously, there were two main theories to explain the ancestry of the first Eskimos in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, Gilbert said. The theories held that they either descended from Native Americans who colonized North America at least 14,350 years ago, or they came from the same source area in Siberia that gave rise to modern Eskimos, such as those who have lived in Greenland for the past 1,000 years. Then there is a third idea that they were independent to both—and thats what it turns out to be, Gilbert said. The new research, which appears tomorrow in the journal Science, suggests that the original Paleo-Eskimos of the New World were replaced by later colonizers, who spread eastward from Siberia. Civilisation moved from Kutch MARUDA port to Middle East, to Mesopotamia and Egypt and to Europe, and from Europe to American continent, Across Atlantic MEXICO, Peru brazil Amazon etc. People move from one area to other area but they carry on their farming and weaving techniques and so Egyptians do similar farming and cattle farming as well. Common thing for the civilisation in farming and weaving techniques carried with them where ever they go. RED Indians / Egyptians all used similar techniques for farming and weaving as indo Sarasvati civilisation used. Red Indians are original Indians and they carry on their farming techniques they brought with them since then. Including traditional flowers of MERRY GOLD flower used for every holy purpose And to the ancestors. MAYA and Mayan books of Mexico suggest that Indian crossed the Atlantic from Europe and lived in Mexican caves before 20000 years ago. Decoding is available - books original information are available for reference form the reference library. Including MAYAN CODOSIS and decoding Mayan language. Forwarded By Dr.BHUDIA-Science Group Of INDIA. President:Kutch Science Foundation. Founder :Kutch Amateurs Astronomers Club - Bhuj - Kutch. Life Member:kutch Itihaas Parishad. Do visit our ABOVE Clubs/Groups of Science club of India, Science Groups
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:42:47 +0000

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