And Ahmad All Nations Will Come ( Haggai 2:7 ) BY ujan - TopicsExpress


And Ahmad All Nations Will Come ( Haggai 2:7 ) BY ujan TAMPEAR Benjamin Prof.David Kaldani Prof. Muhammad In The Bible . David Benjamin Keldani is a former Roman Catholic priest Uniate - Chaldean sect . She said : The move me to Islam not because of the guidance of Allah . Without his guidance , all knowledge , research to discover this truth may only be brought to the error. So I recognize the absolute oneness of God , the prophet Muhammad was a pattern of attitudes and behavior I Muhammad in the Old Testament Approximately two centuries after the idolatrous kingdom of Israel and has no remorse overthrown , and the entire population of the 10 tribes were deported to Assyria , Jerusalem , and the great temple of Solomon were razed to the ground by the Chaldean nation , and the remnant of the tribe of Judas and Benjamin were not slain moved to Babylonia . After detention for several years , the Jews were permitted to return to their country with full authority to rebuild their city and temple that had been destroyed . When the foundations of the new house of the Lord laid , there was excitement and overwhelming response from the people , while parents who had seen the beautiful temple of Solomon previously suddenly into a bitter weeping . In this solemn ceremony Almighty sent His servant , the Prophet Haggai , to comfort his people are sad with this important message : I will shake all nations , and Himda for all nations will come , and I will fill this house with glory , saith the Lord of hosts . Unto silver is mine and the gold is mine inheritance , saith the Lord of hosts . As for the house , then glory will exceed its original splendor , says the Lord of hosts: and in this place I will give Shalom , says the Lord of hosts . ( Haggai 2:7-9 ) . I have translated the above paragraph from a copy of the Bible available to me , lent to me by a cousin of the Assyrian women in the regional language . But , let us look at the English version of the Bible , which we found had changed the word himda and shalom in Hebrew original into consecutive desire ( desire ) and Peace ( peace ) . The Jewish and Christian commentators alike giving great attention to the two promises contained in the above prophecy . They understand the messiah predicted in Himda said . Actually , this is a very great prophecy , confirmed by the oath usual biblical God , says the Lord Sabaoth is repeated 4 times . If the prophecy is understood himda abstract sense of the word and shalom as desire and peace , then the prophecy becomes nothing more than an aspiration that we can not comprehend . But , if we understand the term himda a concrete idea , a personal idea and the reality , and the word shalom , not a condition, but a living and active force and a religion that is definitely established , then it must be true prophecy and fulfilled in figure of Ahmad and the establishment of Islam . For himda and shalom - or - Sylama exactly have the same meaning as , respectively , Ahmad and Muslim . Before attempting to prove the fulfillment of this prophecy , it helps to explain the etymology of the two words as short as possible . 1 . Himda . The expression in Hebrew reads ...... UB āû hemədat cal - hagōwyim .... That is literally transformed into the English language to be and will come Himda of all the nations ( and will come Himda for all nations ) . Hi suffix in Hebrew , as in Arabic , converted into th , or t if the genitive case . The word archaic is derived from the Hebrew word - or rather Aramaic - which is not used anymore , hmd ( consonants are pronounced hamad ) . In Hebrew , hamad generally used in the sense of desire , longing , appetite , and a great desire . The ninth commandment of the Decalogue ( Ten Commandments ) is : Lo tahmod reikha ish ( Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor s wife ) in the Arabic verb hamida , of the same consonants hmd , means commendable , and so on . What is more commendable and most well-known and expected , coveted and desirable ? Which, of two meanings , the fact that Ahmad is the Arabic form of Himda remains indisputable and convincing. Ahmad is an adjective that means commendable Muhammad is a person who has adjective word, the most commendable And ( remember ) when Isa ibn Maryam said: O Children of Israel , verily I am the messenger of Allah unto you , confirming the book before me , namely the Torah , and gave happy news with ( the coming of ) an Apostle who will come after me , whose name is Ahmad ( Muhammad ) . And when the messengers came to them with tangible evidence , they said : This is the real magic . ( Surah Ash Shaff 61:6 ) . The Quran states that Jesus told the people of Israel the coming of a Prophet of God whose name is Ahmad . Gospel of St. John , which was written in Greek , using Paracletos name , a word unknown in classical Greek literature . However , Periclytos , which exactly matches Ahmad in the sense of most famous , Noble , and commendable , in superlatifnya level , certainly is a translation into Greek of the word Himda or perhaps in its Aramaic form of the Hamida , as spoken by Jesus . Wow ! There is no scripture in the original languages that are used by Jesus . 2 . As to the etymology and meaning of the word Shalom , Syalam ¸ and the Arabic word Salam , Islam , I do not need to hamper the reader to carry into linguistic descriptions . Any Semitic scholar knows that Shalom and Islam comes from the same word and that both mean peace , submission , and surrender . I intend to give a brief explanation of Haggai s prophecy . In order to understand it better , I quote another prophecy , from the Old Testament book of Malachi 3:1 Behold, I send my messenger , and he shall prepare the way before me ! With a sudden Mr. ( Adon ) whom you seek will come to His temple ! Agreement angel do you want it , in fact , he is come, saith the Lord of Hosts . Then compare with the wisdom of the Quran below . Glory to Allah , who has bring HIS servant on a night of ( the temple) Harom mosque ( in Mecca ) to ( temple) Aqsa Mosque ( in Jerusalem ) which We have blessed him. ( Surah al - Isro : 1 ). That is people who come sudden / suddenly to the temple , as documented by 2 scriptures above is Muhammad ! , And not Jesus . Then the following arguments certainly enough to convince any impartial observer : a. The close relationship and similar between the two tetrogram Himda and Ahmad , and the identity of the root hmd from which both are derived , leaves no doubt that the subject in the sentence And Himda for all nations shall come is Ahmad ( Muhammad ) . In a Hadith narrated by Jubayr ibn Muthim , that Rasullulah SAW ( Muhammad ) said : I have many names , I am Muhammad , I am Ahmad , I am al - Mahiy ( eraser ) that with me ( then ) God wipe out the kufr , I was Al Hasyir ( collector ) that the human I collected under my branches , and I was AlAqib ( cover ) . There is no etymological connection between himda slightest and other names such as Jesus or Christ . Even a single consonant nothing in common between them . b . Although it proved that the Hebrew form Hmdh ( read himdah ) is an abstract noun meaning desire , lust , longing , and praise , but again the argument of our thesis . Because the shape of the Hebrew language , etymologically , is precisely and exactly the same in meaning with the Arabic language means himdah . Meaning whatever you want from tetrogram Hmdh , relationship with Ahmad prescriptive , and has nothing to do with Jesus . If St . Jerome and the Septuagint writers before him , has been preserved intact Hmdh Hebrew form , rather than writing the word Cupidatas Latin or Greek word Euthymia , perhaps the translators appointed by King James I of England also reproduce the shape of the original version of the Bible that was passed , and the Bible Society have adjusted their translations into Islamic language . c . Bait Zorobabel more glorious than that of Solomon , because as predicted by Malachi , the Messenger of the Great promised ( Adon ) will visit his temple sudden / abrupt , as was actually done at the time Isro - Miroj prophet Muhammad . Bait Zorobabel renovated / rebuilt by Herod the Great . And Jesus , of course , on each occasion his frequent visits to the temple , respect it for the sake of the holy temple and presence . Certainly, the presence of any prophet in the temple of God has added to the glory and sanctity of the place . But at least it must be admitted , that the Gospels record that Jesus visits to this temple and his teachings therein do not mention any conversation among listeners . All visits to the temple is said to end in bitter disputes with the priests and Pharisees who do not believe . Must also be concluded that Jesus not only did not bring peace to the world as deliberately declared in Matthew 10:34, but Jesus also predicted the total destruction of the temple in Matthew chapter 24 , who met about 40 years later by the Romans . d . Ahmad, who is another form of the name of Muhammad and of the root and the same sense that most glorious , during his trip Isra - Miraj visiting the ruined temple , as stated in the Quran , and almost immediately, according to the hadith stated repeatedly by the prophet Muhammad to his companions , that he led the Prophets prayer to God and then God bless all around the temple ( in Jerusalem ) and showed the signs . If Moses and Elias could appear physically on the mount of transfiguration, they and thousands of Prophets can also appear around the temple in Jerusalem . And during the sudden arrival of Adon into stanzas ( Malachi 3:1 ) that God actually fill it with grandeur ( Haggai chapter 2 ) . That Aminah ( Prophet Muhammads birth mother ) widow of Abdullah ( his biological father Prophet Muhammad) had named his son with a name that never existed before - Muhammad or Ahmad - , noun which is a great miracle of Islam . Caliph Umar ibn Khotob rebuild the temple ( in Jerusalem ) was , and majestic mosque in Jerusalem will remain sturdy stand until the end of time , is a fantastic monument of truth and eternal covenant made by God to Abraham and Ishmael in Genesis 15:18 .
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:41:33 +0000

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