And He Sets The Tone For A New NDC Youth - TopicsExpress


And He Sets The Tone For A New NDC Youth Front. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A SPEECH BY MARCUS GARVIN ADAMPAH(General MaGA) ON INTENTION TO CONTEST FOR NDC NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANISER POSITION ON 23RD AUGUST, 2014 AT A CONFERENCE ORGANISED BY THE UNITED CADRES FRONT. Mr Chairman, Dignitaries, Ladies and gentlemen of the media, Cadres, For obvious reasons, I have been honoured to use this platform and this day to declare my intention to stand for election as the National Youth Organiser of our great party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) when nominations are opened. My intention is born out of the need for a brand new youth leader in the NDC to give P.O.W.E.R. to the youth. In 1979, the young Flt Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings led a revolution in this country that declared political Power to the ordinary Ghanaian. It is this political power that has since found expression in our current political dispensation where the youths have become active stakeholders in nation building. Unfortunately, however, four decades have passed and times have changed. That commitment and unity of purpose which saw the cadres and indeed the youth of Ghana joining heads, hearts and hands on our farms, loading trucks of cocoa to pay our soaring foreign debts are no more. That spirit of volunteerism and Do-It-Yourself attitude that made communities organise clean up exercises periodically to get our environment rid of filth is long forgotten. Ghana’s nostalgic feelings for the good old days has only become worst when the current energies of the youths are misdirected towards self-centred activities that put money before any other consideration. Talking on our airwaves alone has been interpreted to mean contributing one’s quota to national development. Nonetheless, I could see the world of the youths divided into two: bubbling energies and talents on one side and myriad of natural resources on the other side. In between the two is a valley of youth unemployment and desperation. This is divinely unacceptable. It is for these reasons that I offer myself for elections to become the Youth leader of my great party the NDC to represent the new face of youth politics in Ghana. I would move my presence in Accra as the servant of our youths to the constituencies, joining heads, hearts and hands with our colleagues to begin a Green Revolution that would this time round declare economic P.O.W.E.R. to the youths of this country. What is in the P.O.W.E.R we talk about? The P is the mobilisation of People who today are looking for a change, the O is the Opportunities that abound in Ghana which see foreigners coming here every day to stay and do business, the W is Work which becomes abundantly available when we employ the E which is our Energies in diverse economy activities, and finally the outcome is R, the Reward of physical gains and self-esteem. As declared by President Thomas Jefferson, ‘‘every generation needs a new revolution’’. Indeed, the time has come for our generation to embrace this new revolution, storming through our Branches, Wards, Constituencies, and Regions to the national level. The time has come for all of us to release that air of selfless volunteerism, patriotism and nationalism that our cadres relied upon to build our party and the nation. The time has come to identify, mobilise and utilise the talents of our youths from the lower stratum to the upper echelon of our society. The time has come for all of us to re-imbibe in our youths the philosophy of social democracy that ‘‘believes in the equality and the egalitarian treatment of all persons irrespective of their social, cultural, educational, political, religious and economic relations in a multi-party environment’’ as enshrined in article 5 of the constitution of our great NDC. Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; Powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing. Forces that would revolutionise his life if aroused and put into action--Orison Swett Marden I believe, and the youths of the NDC and of our dear nation believe too, that the NDC(Ghana) would rise again. Yes, Ghana would rise again because we shall bring back the good old days as we sing the patriotic songs for a revival of soul and unity of purpose. By this inspiration and prayer to God almighty, we shall deliver Ghana from youth unemployment on our way to full middle income status. Today, I have been honoured because not every young man gets to dine and wine with the wise elderly people of his generation. As I declare my intention for youth leadership on this august platform, I do so to send the signal to my fellow youths that our old comrades have a lot to offer as they age and we take up the mantle. As a young cadre, I promise to tap into the rich history and resources of our forerunners to put smiles on the face of mother Ghana again. Senior comrades, it is my humble appeal to you to carry the news to the nooks and cranny of this nation, as you move back to your homes. It is my humble appeal to you to pray for the success of this new revolution. Finally, it is my humble appeal to you to give me your blessings, as I move to resurrect, re-engineer, rebuild and rebrand the youth front of the great NDC. I am grateful to the organisers of this powerful conference for the opportunity given to me and my team. I am grateful for the patience with which my fathers and mothers have listened to me. Long Live Ghana Long Live our Government Long Live the NDC Long Live the Cadres Corps Thank you all and may God bless you. https://youtube/watch?v=rbR2vJ4MmMs#t=416
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:51:55 +0000

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