And I steal this from Kasmore Rhedrick who I believe stole it from - TopicsExpress


And I steal this from Kasmore Rhedrick who I believe stole it from Miles himself or? Many kisses to you Kas. and I’m standing there in front of Birdland wringing wet because it’s a hot, steaming, muggy night in August. “This white policeman comes up to me and tells me to move on. At the time I was doing a lot of boxing and so I thought to myself, I ought to hit this motherf***er because I knew what he was doing. But instead I said, “Move on, for what? I’m working downstairs. That’s my name up there, Miles Davis,” and I pointed to my name on the marquee all up in lights. “He said, “I don’t care where you work, I said move on! If you don’t move on I’m going to arrest you.” “A crowd had gathered all of a sudden from out of nowhere, and this white detective runs in and BAM! hits me on the head. I never saw him coming. Blood was running down the khaki suit I had on. Then I remember Dorothy Kilgallen coming outside with this horrible look on her face… and saying, “Miles, what happened?” I couldn’t say nothing. Illinois Jacquet was there too. “It was almost a race riot, so the police got scared and hurried up and got my ass out of there and took me to the 54th Precinct where they took pictures of me bleeding and shit. So, I’m sitting there, madder than a motherf***er, right? And they’re saying to me in the station, “So you’re the wiseguy, huh?” Then they’d bump up against me, you know, try to get me mad so they could probably knock me upside my head again. I’m just sitting there, taking it all in, watching every move they make…
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:58:40 +0000

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