“And I was afraid, and went hid thy talent in the earth: lo, - TopicsExpress


“And I was afraid, and went hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine”.(Matthew 25 vs 25). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today.It is evident in our Focal Scripture that a servant got one talent from his master, he hid the talent in the ground, and when the Master returned, he presented back the one talent to him. He got one talent, and returned it intact. He took something that had value from his Master, and when he returned it, the Value was exactly the same. This servant maintained value but there was no value addition.Friend, it is an error to receive Value and maintain same without adding more value. It is an error to walk into a place and leave it the same way you met it. It is an error to get along with people who do not add value to your destiny. It is even wrong for people to meet you and remain the same, without receiving some value from you. It is wrong to remain the same from year to year without adding value to yourself or your generation.Today, God expects you to continually add value to your spouse and children. God demands that your presence should improve your place of work, improve the lives of people you live with or work with. God expects everything that comes into your hands to come out bigger and better.Has success brought you to that point where are you just maintaining value and not adding fresh ones? This position is dangerous. Are you just comfortable that you have value and you aren’t bothering about increasing your value? Be sure that someone somewhere has got value too, but right now as you read this, he is also adding more values to what he already has!CAUTION: Remember, the crime of the unwise servant was not that he lost what he got; his crime was that he failed to improve what he got. VALUE-ADDTION is a mandate from God to you!Pray with me, “Lord, I choose to add value to myself and my generation in Jesus name”.Have a Restful Saturday!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 11:18:29 +0000

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