And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit - TopicsExpress


And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.” —Luke1:46-48 It’s tempting to respond to the yearly telling of the great story surrounding the birth of Jesus by thinking, I’m not like those amazing men and women. I am not like Mary or Joseph or the shepherds or wise men. It’s easy to think those people had something unique and that what they experienced long ago can’t be replicated in us. But if we leave it at that, we have missed a wonderful opportunity to magnify God. In one sense, we would be right—nothing like the announcement, preparation, and arrival of the Son of God born of a virgin will ever happen again. By God’s grace the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus had to happen once, but only once. Mary was unique, and all generations including our own are correct to call her blessed. The other figures in the Christmas story played their parts and also brought glory to the Lord. No amount of special effects could ever recreate that one-time event, but that doesn’t mean God is finished. And it doesn’t mean we don’t have a role in magnifying Him.In another sense, we would be wrong if we put too much emphasis on the people involved in the Christmas story and failed to see the central actor—God Himself. He finds willing people and, as He did with Mary, looks on the humble estate of His servants and works through them to display His glory to the world. Our souls can magnify the Lord as surely as Mary’s did. Whether we look at events two thousand years ago or just this week, God is most magnified in us when we do what would be impossible to do without Him. First-century Christians didn’t have a corner on impossibilities. We have our share. And God is eager to demonstrate He is still the God for whom all things are possible (Mark10:28).Mary and those in the Christmas story did their part to magnify God in their time—how will you? Here are some suggestions:Take time to read the Christmas story yourself, or read it to your family.Look for a vertical connection in all your giving. Will you give Gods Word? Will you give a book, music, or a gift that will expose someone to God in a way that could bless them and nourish their faith? Vertical gifts point the recipient toward God and magnify Him.Plan some special time to pray with and for the people you love. Consider how you want to pray for your family. You spend many hours preparing special meals to show your love for others, but how do you prepare for prayer with them? Invite them to join you in recognizing God’s greatness during this season.Help someone in need. Find someone you know who is struggling and share something special with them. Bless someone anonymously. Show others the generosity of an authentic follower of Jesus.Heal a relationship. Reach out before a Christmas collision can occur. Deliver some grace in the mail or by phone. Take steps toward healing by sending the message that you’re ready for a new beginning.Many of these actions are impossible to do wholeheartedly without God’s help. And the outcome is always in His hands for His glory. Just remember: God is most magnified in us when we do what would be impossible to do without Him. Journal What right now is impossible for you to do without God?What will you do to magnify Him in that impossible situation this season? Pray Lord, I can hardly imagine my role being similar to what You did through the lives of the people who surrounded the birth of Your Son. But they couldn’t imagine it either! Thank You for reminding me it’s never about what I can do but about what You can do in and through someone like me. The glory that magnifies You is not only in what You do, but also in Your amazing way of using people as unworthy and insignificant as me. Thank You for giving me faith to see Your glory and for even using me to display it. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:55:07 +0000

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