And, So It Goes 9-9-2013 “In every age it has been the tyrant, - TopicsExpress


And, So It Goes 9-9-2013 “In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the people.” (Eugene Debs) What is the Project For a New American Century (PNAC)? In June, 1997, this organization went public with a document outlining their goals for the U.S. and the countries around the globe. The authors of this document are William Kristol, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan, James Wolsey, and Zalmay Khalizad. The main theme of the PNAC document was the means by which the U.S. would take control of and dominate the world in which we live. William Kristol, in 2011, wrote an article in which he stated that U.S. military interventions in Muslim countries should not be classified as “invasions” but as “liberations”. A more recent statement by this great American patriot was given in August, 2012 when he said, “I went back and looked at the speech President Obama gave in March 2011 when he announced the mild intervention in Libya, which did help to get rid of Qaddafi. Every reason he gave for intervening in Libya is there squared, in triplicate, for intervening in Syria, including the strategic importance of getting rid of Assad and weakening Iran. If we are abdicating our role of helping to shape events in this absolutely crucial part of this world, what does that say? Are we just going to let other countries, ya know, play their games and stand back as if it doesn’t affect U.S. national security?” The reason I’m posting this article is to share with you the data which demonstrates that events do not occur in isolation, that there is an historical context. Assad, despite his record of abuse, has been a target of the U.S. for many years and is part of a larger plan to dominate the Middle East and all their resources. Maybe then, we can see that Obama, or any elected president, whether Democrat or Republican, has his agenda outlined for him or her before ever taking office. As I’ve said on many occasions, to understand any event, we must look at who it is that benefits. U.S. control of Middle Eastern resources is a gift to multi-national corporations. Do ya dig it?
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 11:37:03 +0000

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