And The Party of Family Values takes the field... Well it looks - TopicsExpress


And The Party of Family Values takes the field... Well it looks like the Prez went ahead and did it. As expected, Mr. Obama announced that certain categories of undocumented immigrants will be shielded from prosecution and deportation. The emphasis will be allowing whole, otherwise law abiding families to stay in this country and be given a shot at a decent living - at least for a while. Its estimated that this executive action will cover between 4 and 5 million individuals, which leaves another 6 to 7 million illegals unshielded: more than enough to prosecute and deport the slightly over 400,000 persons annually which Congress has funded Homeland Security to do. All this makes you wonder. If enforcement of immigration laws and deportations are STILL being pursued by Homeland to the maximum extent which funding allows, why are conservative leaders rolling around on the floor, biting the rug and screaming like infants? As I said two days ago, all Obama is proposing to do is change the rules by which illegals are chosen to be deported. It would seem to me that keeping families together, no matter what the color of their skin or country of origin, would be the Christian thing to do. People drive around with WWJD bumper stickers on their cars. I dont claim to be a religious person and never have. But keeping families together and allowing them to earn a decent living would be one of the things Jesus would want us to do, at least as I understand it. I dunno, maybe Im wrong. After all the Catholic Church, which with 1.2 billion members worldwide represents the largest Christian denomination on the planet (outnumbering Protestants by a cool 400 million) has endorsed this action. Every year we are treated to another conservative Value Voters Summit. The main sponsors of these big time ho-downs are always the same. These are organizations with stirring names like The American Family Association, The Family Research Council, and American Values: the latter of which claims to: protect life, marriage, FAMILY (my emphasis), faith and freedom. Now that President Obama has announced a policy which favors families in a most fundamental and easily understandable way - a policy which, by the way, has been endorsed by the worlds largest Christian denomination - wouldnt it make sense that if the American FAMILY Association, The FAMILY Research Council, and American VALUES would be jumping at the chance to support him? Say, dont make me laugh. These organizations have nothing to do with families, or even the most modest of Christian values - and everything to do with the cynical pursuit of wealth and political power. Their business plan is to manufacture outrage. This keeps the donations pouring in. Just last September, I held my nose, read through all the speeches and had a look at all the exhibitors at the 2014 Value Voters Summit in Washington DC (registration fee: $99.00). The trend of all the speeches and exhibits was all the same: We are the REAL Americans. We value Faith, Family, Hard Work and Freedom!. People, if nothing else, the people who President Obama has chosen to shield are DEFINED by their commitment to faith, family, hard work and freedom. Why wouldnt we want them here?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:09:01 +0000

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