And There I Was, up the crick at Dads ranch and my horse was down - TopicsExpress


And There I Was, up the crick at Dads ranch and my horse was down at Grandads, so I checked out with Mom, jumped on my kinda new, Columbia model 26 inch by-cycle, with the coil springs on the forks, a platform above the back fender with a double mouse trap like thingy above the back fender, and colorful fringes hangin off the ends of the hand grips, that Dad had bought me and down that Ingle Crick road I went at a high rate of vibration for Grammyn Grandads place.! I skidded sideways about two feet and kicked the kickstand down at the same time at grammys yard gate, then notice Grammys car was gone outa the garage. Owell, I looked around for ol Pal and saw him way up country in the pasture, and whistled a couple times, here he come, he knew Id have a prize forim I spose, so I went into Grandads hallowed garden and plucked a good sized carrot outa the ground, and filled the hole sos hed not notice, wiped the dirt offen it on my pantleg and poked it in my hip pocket for Pal to find and pull out by the green tops. When ol Pal got to me, he was a sight.! Hed found a dust wallow to roll his fatass in and had dust and Burdock cockles all in his forlock and mane. I wento work, untangling them all while he chomped on his carrot. Then, I saw his tail.! There was a huge ball of them cockleburrs from the ground to his hocks wadded in the long course tail hair.! I tried to untangle that bigast ball and it aint gonna happen, so I pondered the dilemma until a light came on to fix this solution. In the two car garage, on Grandads ol Jeep side was a pair of them old squeeze together shears hangin ona nail.! I wento work to surgically remove them burrs. When Grammy came home from with her new blue hair perm from Sallys after the gossipin and hairbendin, she pulled into her space, got out the car, and said, OMercy, you may be in trouble when Brice gits home. Id no idea what she meant.? Id fixed Pals tail, and was currying all the dust and hair on his large body, there was hair and dust justa flyin from the curry combing. Ol Pal just stood there, ground hitched, with the halter Id put onim, justincase. Well, then here come Grandad, I saw his ol ragtop Jeep with two doors removed, when he made the turn at Holmbergs, he drove kinda slow, but way faster than old Henry McKroly in his ancient lookin old Henry J Kaiser on the hiway. When he pulled into his space in the garage, with his ol short brimmed, bent up, cowboy hat set back on his head, above his forehead, he was pissed.! He went into a tirade of WTH did you do that for.!?! I explained the best I could and showed him the big wad of burrs a foot long I removed. That still wasnt gitnit.! The only time I ever heard Grandad sound like that and use them words was when he was tired and really pist at a stubborn critter he was trying to convince tdo something it wasnt gonna do without being preached to a bit with words Id heard many times, but not aimed at me.! I got on my by-cycle, picked my lip up and laid it astraddle the bar between the seat and front forks, and peddled what was left of my ass, plumb back up the crick road, 3 miles to Dads house. Hoping then, that Grammy hadnt called Mom on the old crank wall or her Mayberry type desk phone on her front window seen outside desk, to tell Mom, and everone else on that Party Line who picked up to listen when the crank code rang in everbodys house whoever had a phone connected to Jimmy Damons phone wire on the river. Well, I found out later, you cant out run a phone call in MV.! It took years to live that down...but ol Pal forgive and still liked me the rest of his life...
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 16:40:10 +0000

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