And They All Lived Happily Ever After Matthew 26:56 NIV - TopicsExpress


And They All Lived Happily Ever After Matthew 26:56 NIV Why do you seek the living among the dead? the angels asked the disciples at Jesus tomb. A lot of people today ask the same (without the sly nudge and wink.) Cant you just leave Jesus as a good teacher story? Isnt the resurrection better off as a nice metaphor, written by confused 1st century peasants (ah bless those uneducated fools) trying to make story-sense out of death? But reading the story itself, the confused peasants dont seem very confused. They know exactly what theyre saying. If it was all a metaphor, why Matthews mention of officials spreading rumours of Jesus stolen body? (Matthew 28:13) Why include the story of His return at all, why not a spiritual resurrection? They were talking about an actual tomb, an actual body. And an actual Saviour God embodied in Jesus (told by prophets) - why else would Philippians 2 include an early hymn about an earthy, grounded, human Jesus being the same as God Himself if it was all a fairy tale? Our leader, Jesus, is alive now, and is King. He defeated our own sin by actually dying and now Hes actually here again. Christianity doesnt rest on floaty, nice advice, or even Jesus own sayings, but on the action of God in this real life. What Now? The absolute best way to investigate for yourself, or answer your mates questions about Christianity being true, is to have a good look at the Gospels stories about Jesus. Pick one (hint, if youre not sure, or are new to Jesus, Mark is probably the easiest to start with) and read it front-to-back in one go. Acts 27:1-12; 1 Samuel 2:11-36; Psalm 50
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:55:00 +0000

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