And We Know That ALL Things Works Together for Good. - TopicsExpress


And We Know That ALL Things Works Together for Good. Romans 8:28 I know that many of us can not always see this, and the fact that we cannot see this, makes it very difficult for us to keep the faith that we need to have at all times. The last two weeks God has really been showing me that I can trust Him in everything that He Says in His Word. In these last two weeks while visiting the different jails, I have found myself saying one verse of His Holy Word more than any other verse. And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that Love God and are Called according to His Purpose. (Romans 8:28) The first time that God put it on my heart to say these Words to someone, I really did not think too much about it. As the days went on, I noticed that I kept telling almost everyone that I had contact with, these words. I really did not understand, but just knew that I knew that I was suppose to be speaking these, His Words. Now after two weeks of this, I have been allowed to see many things that two weeks ago looked totally impossible, come to pass. Brother Gary Stigall and I visited the family of one inmate two weeks ago and the things that happened that night almost caused me to resign from this ministry. Now two weeks later, I have been allowed to see what I thought could never be fixed, turn around and be used to open many doors for the His Ministry. Where in my minds eye, I saw many doors being closed, God opened them wider and many other doors along with them. More people was brought into This His Ministry, many more people were recruited to be praying for and helping to fund This His Ministry. This all came at a time of much need for me. The last Friday of each January is when we have our annual board meeting. This is always one time of the year that I carry much stress, hoping that I will have as many good reports to give as bad reports, to the officers and board members. This meeting is still 3 days away and at this time, I know that if I am allowed to give all the good reports that I have in my heart, we may be there until late morning, before we even get into the bad reports. Yes, many salvations, deliverances, healing and reports of many marriages being restored. Many of the children that are in jails have been restored to families that have given up on them, they have been given another opportunity. Praise Our Lord God Most High, for His Faithfulness! Is this report of His Faithfulness telling us that we do not need more prayer or other support for this His Ministry, No indeed. That is not what this report is saying. In fact it is calling out and asking for more prayer and support of this His Ministry. The prayers and support of those that have been faithful in Hearing and Obeying Our God is what has been a main cause of the many great things that has happened in this His Ministry to date. In a few days this, His Ministry will be 6 years old. The many things that I and many others have been allowed to see happen in the lives of many inmates and their families, in this short time simply astonishes me. The people He has spoken to in their hearts and has caused them to be a part of this ministry. Both by their prayers and their funding. Yes let us not forget the Plymouth Minivan that He provided through many that heard and obeyed Him. It was just a few minutes after midnight last night as I drove into my driveway, after driving almost 600 miles this week between the jails, that I really came to appreciate this minivan greatly. It was very cold, the highways had lots of snow and ice on them and I was home safe, tired but full of Our God from all the people that He had used to bless me with. And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that Love God and are Called according to His Purpose. (Romans 8:28) This verse of Gods Word does not say that sometimes work together for good, but says that ALL things work together for good. When will we hear this? When will we believe Gods Word like He Desires for us to? Some of you will not like this answer, but I must give it anyway. When we decide to? When we choose to? Believing in Him like He Desires for us to is just like all other phases of life. There are many choices that we have to make, and believing God is a choice that we have to make. Does all things really work together for good to them that Love God and are called according to His Purpose? Yes, Yes, I promise you that this is a True statement! Not because I promised you this but because God Said it and He cannot lie! He is Faithful in everything that His Word says to us. If we are not seeing His Faithfulness it is because we are not believing like He Desires us to. What is it that pleases God? (Hebrews 11:6) Without Faith it is impossible to Please God! So we can see from just this one verse, that Faith Pleases God. Even the very hairs of your head are numbered. Fear not therefore: You are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:7) Read Luke 12 and see for yourself how much God Desires for us to trust in Him. When we bring ourselves to trust God we will never have any need in our lives that He does not meet for us. Trust God! And we know that ALL things work together for good to those that love Him and are Called according to His Purpose. (Romans 8:28) Most Holy and Worthy Father in Heaven, help us our unbelief. O Lord we are a very untrusting people, our only Hope is in You! Help us to come to Love and Trust in You in All areas of our lives. It is You that is Faithful, O Lord. I ask this in the Most Worthy Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen †††††††††††††††††††††††††† In His Love and Service, Bill Dorman (John 13:34-35) Feel Free to share this or any message I post if God Leads you to.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:32:25 +0000

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