And You Tell Atheists To Shut Up? Approximately 7:00am, Im - TopicsExpress


And You Tell Atheists To Shut Up? Approximately 7:00am, Im seated at the park, bag slung over my shoulder and book in hand. I love to read when I travel. Everything seems alright until a young man whos got some kind of weird illness moves in. His hands are bent in an unnatural position, his legs are twisted beyond description and his features are distorted. Clutched feebly in one hand is a bible that probably weighs a ton from the look of it and under his arm is a copy of the Rhapsody of Realities. With considerable difficulty, he slinks towards where we are seated and begins preaching and shouting. He doesnt care that people are reading, doesnt care that people are seeing and enjoying a movie, doesnt care that people are probably thinking. He just begins shouting his gospel. For approximately 20 minutes, this young man disturbs the peace, drowning the sound of the TV, rudely ingressing into & assaulting the privacy of our thoughts ... & no one tells him anything- maybe because of his condition. Im just there, staring sightlessly at my novel, seething with helpless anger, unable to read a thing. The inconsiderate idiot (yes, I called him that because he perfectly fits into the description of an idiot) is still shouting, waving his bible and telling us in vivid descriptions about the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the place called hell that is specially prepared for those who dont accept Jesus. At long last, hes gone- for good. Were called into the bus and off we go... Im relieved. I open my book and begin to read. Barely five minutes into the journey, a man sitting directly in front of me bursts into an endless chain of prayers. I CANT believe it. From the conclusion of his prayers, I can tell he wants to start a sermon. Sore frustration sweeps through me. What the hell? He bursts into a song, stops abruptly and starts shouting his preaching out aloud. This guy is literally shoving his gospel in spadefuls into our ears. 10...20...30...45 minutes and hes still shouting, totally ruining the silence and my plans. He thrashes like a caged gorilla, he takes a mordant swipe at the unbelievers, he promises a lake of fire for those who wouldnt listen to him and his God and on he goes. Now, a lady beside him receives a call. Courtesy demands for him to lower his voice, but what does the CAPITAL IDIOT do? He keeps on shouting, discarding ordinary manners through the window. The poor lady just keeps saying hello, hello... I cant hear you. Till we get to our destination, he just keeps talking, shouting, bursting into songs and promoting a gross display of nuisance. I see these things and I silently ask myself, And you tell atheists to keep their beliefs to themselves, to shut up? KIA
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:43:04 +0000

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