And a HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS to my Brother and longtime favorite - TopicsExpress


And a HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS to my Brother and longtime favorite collaborator Mark Jackson!!! One of the signature artists of the old-school World of Darkness line, Mark is one of the smartest, coolest, sweetest people I have ever known. His mordant sense of humor could stun four out of five Doctors with its sly references and linguistic back-bends; his pen evokes a madly kiltered realm of graceful phantasmagoria, and his quiet charisma rawks a Gothic Samedi in ways the good Baron would heartily approve. Although we rarely see one another in person anymore (living at opposite ends of the country and all), Mark retains a special place in my heart. Weve known one another for over 20 years now, and shared a long tradition of eight-to-twelve-hour conversations at the late, lamented, and legendary Generous Georges Positive Pizza in Alexandria, VA. Appearing like two immortals each holiday season, we imagined ourselves the stuff of staff rumor, binging through huge glasses of soda and monumental pizzas while speaking in metaphysical tones of matter mortal minds cannot conceive. For an all-too-brief period, Mark haunted Atlanta, GA, Goth scene with me, Raven Nicholle Silva-Barton Danger, and a bunch of our other friends, leaving ephemeral impressions on the citys psychic tapestry. Of note for fans of Deliria: Faerie Tales for a New Millennium, the tagline of that series - Hope is the bravest rebellion - came from a conversation with Mark, and many concepts for that world and its characters emerged from the remains of a graphic-novel series we never did, called Golgotha. Marks work is the touchstone of an era for many White Wolf fans, but beyond that legacy he is a courageously eloquent gentleman with a mind as perspicacious as the mad geniuses he so beautifully portrays. So CHEERS to you, O Brother-mine, and may all the sweetest beauties dance in your glory, now, then, and forever. *hugs and love* Miss you lots.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:53:51 +0000

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