And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by - TopicsExpress


And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; (2 Corinthians 5:18 KJV) I have been meditating and praying unto the Lord the significance of why it was so important for me to come to Ambon and also East and West Timor. Before I left New Zealand I asked the Lord where he was sending me , and he gave me clear , precise revelation thru dreams and visions ( Habakuk 2-2 ) and gave me 2 Corinthians 5 on reconciliation. All I had to do was obey and Go, he had confirmed the scriptures, but it wasnt until I came here and stepped onto the Island and started to pray and sound my Shophar, I got revelation of what must take place here. I am honoured to be indigenous Maori and a New Zealander , so I fit in , I have been excepted here in the family, eat what Im given and have stayed with them. In 1999 -2002 the war between Moslems and Christians was great and this is what I sourced online Number of Deaths: Total: Estimates of total conflict deaths range from 5,000 to 10,000. [Sources: International Crisis Group, February 8, 2002; The Jakarta Post, January 17, 2002] At least 5,000 people (perhaps as many as 10,000) have been killed and close to 700,000 almost one-third of the population of 2.1 million – became refugees. [International Crisis Group, February 8, 2002] This church was the first church that was built in the mid 1700s here in Ambon and is now no longer operating as a church, it has been abandoned . Speaking to the people it has been shut since the conflict and the remembrance of all the lives lost, the people are to scared to come back. There is trauma and bad memories. This place has never had reconciliation in the sense within the community. I have a strong sense that the Lord is not only wanting to restore and open that church back up, but to have a service in there and to have communion and to pray again. I am even willing to talk with the local imam and talk about reconciliation and to be bold to ask to pray for him and his family and to pray for God to bless the area. The spiritual significance would be huge in the sense as it will break fear, dis- unity and being able to move on and live together in peace. Please stand with me and believe that this Sunday I am able to minister in this church which needs restoration and a roof, and be able to start the healing process in Jesus name. The voice of the martyrs blood cries out from the land.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 05:04:30 +0000

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