And another letter of love from my dad to my mom, while out at - TopicsExpress


And another letter of love from my dad to my mom, while out at sea, across the world, on another long US Navy cruise mission, late 1950s. These are really poignant for the capturing of a special time, but kind of funny, it also kind of tells the tale of how us siblings came to be with those shore leaves!! Ha! ---------- In the year 1949 to my wife to be, From this wife to be sprang forth Karen When scarce but a year we had been sharin’ From God and mother came the brains and looks And from Lucifer and daddy the evil of crooks. Scarce a year had hardly slipped into the past When Cyndi into our life cam heavy and fast Possessed by the grace of a ballerina and the soul of an angel Dedicated to the joy of life and problems she untangles That Thanksgiving the table was a bit bare But it mattered not for we had our life and love to share From Florida northward to Tennessee and snow Where Carol was conceived in a mystic glow Westward we traveled to the land of sunshine and fruit From where sprang Carol from down the twice-traveled route Topped by rich red hair, freckles, and energy a bunch She thought of life as a great big lunch Into our life for two years so long and old Came the separation for back to sea HMP was told Home for Thanksgiving, the wondrous kiss and bliss From which Cathy would emerge from my winsome miss The days were filled with joy, living, and love And into our lives slipped Cathy like a glove Sharing the dog food with Dinah big and black With these qualities love of life she will never lack Another Thanksgiving we planned and shared And from this wondrous blessing Kim was prepared Into our life like a small round brown bounder And whose kisses would tear my life asounder Eastward to the land of Dixie and the rebel Where into our life crept a boy debbil Whose charms and smiles grandmudder exalted And who in life will never be halted From these days of memories knowledge is imparted And sometimes quarrels and fights are started But to me the thoughts with you I am sowing Is that my love for you is eternally growing I love you and needless to say I miss each and every one of you this Thanksgiving day (it is 1205 am and my thanksgiving has started but it really commenced in February of 1949 when I was transferred to Jacksonville.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:10:30 +0000

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