And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, - TopicsExpress


And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV) Kindness… small word, big impact. And easy but challenging all at the same time to live out. Let me explain… There is kindness that comes easily… On a beautiful warm day, you spring out of bed, the air is fresh, you feel great and the world looks wonderful… Kindness is easy on these days. Smiling at a neighbor, cooking an extra meal for a hurting family, calling a friend… Days where generosity and the extending of our lives to others feels easy are truly wonderful. Then there are days where kindness is costly… when you can’t get out of bed, the atmosphere is oppressive and dark… times are challenging and cold. Cooking an extra meal for a hurting family may leave your family hungry, smiling at the neighbor whose demanding you pay for a new fence when you have no money, calling a friend you know is offended with you to try and make things right… kindness is costly on these days. But Kindness in and of itself does not have a season… in fact I even think it works better in our hearts and in others when there is an element of cost – enlarging our hearts, defining the places of value in our lives. It is a powerful and impacting stance. Kindness is actually Gods offensive and defensive weapon when it comes to drawing us to himself… its His “Kindness that leads us to repentance”… As Romans 2:4 says. If you need a change in your day, in a relationship, in your perspective, start with Kindness. Firstly be Kind to yourself… give yourself a little break. allow yourself to start over without the guilt of yesterday seeping in. Then just be kind, in and out of season… you never know what your heart motivated act of generosity will do in someone else’s life and yours… after all, hasn’t kindness made all the difference in your life?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:23:15 +0000

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