And for what do we fight Some one elses war and doe for. All the - TopicsExpress


And for what do we fight Some one elses war and doe for. All the men in Korea? We are still there 60 years later, it is not our war between the two countries. As soon as we pulled out North Vietnam took South Vietnam like I knew they would in 1967. Iraq is going back to the way it was before we got there. What did all our people die for ? Afghanistan police and enemy in disguise are killing us. What did our people die for ? It is going back the way it was as we pull out....all for nought. Now we are in Maliwi. Congress picks these wars, and sits back and watchs us die for their screwup. You do not see them there. Hell we cant even fight our own war against illegal immigrants. Why go to a foreign soil? I would support very military person that would lay down their arms and say HELL NO WE WONT GO. ...for the next war Congress picks. What are you going to do with them if they did.? How many Congressmen politicians have children fighting in a war right now or fought In Iraq Afghanistan, Vietnam. Probably none..because THEY do not want THEIR children harmed, disabled, or dead but they have the very Gaul to Get involved in someone elses war and send some one elses kids to die for their. Political career. It is time to say the hell with the rest of the world it is your war, , you want freedom...fight for it yourself. We need to take Care of America and vote out career politicians and Congress limit them to one term in a lifetime. America needs once again to become a nation of pride and justice.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:58:09 +0000

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