And it is true After all i did and i tryed never cheated nothing - TopicsExpress


And it is true After all i did and i tryed never cheated nothing gave 110% me and my life and sole to her and everythig she said she would never do to me she did.She did cheat on me noumours times.i for gave that i forgave all her flaws.But in the end she wouldent even give me a stright up awnser i asked her do you want me she said IDK? i asked her you seeing other men.No i wouldnt do that she wouldent ever tell me a stright awnser if she wanted me or not.But would tell me she loved me and still kiss me and see me kinda.But in the end she cheated on me lied to me about it wouldent even brake up with me to be with her new "lover":( 30 year old divorced with a kid) and left me for him and wouldent ever give me the courtsey to even just dump me and tell me theres someone eles and i cant be with you any more.Instead she wanted to play me and proably have 2 maybe even more men then that at onece and toy with me.All beacuze i loved her did all she wanted and more and gave her everything.Well Thank you soo much i hope you are happy,Cuz no one will ever give you more love and treet you as good as i did or give you the time or day.You will allways just be someones 2nd option or last resort.P.s to all who wanna get into my personal life to i dont care if you wana trash talk me cuz i expressed myself on my page about my fellings about a person i know way better than any of you,Save it ok)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 09:22:29 +0000

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