And its by plan and design: “The idea was to destabilize the - TopicsExpress


And its by plan and design: “The idea was to destabilize the region and control the oil. “I walked out of there pretty upset,” said retired four star U.S. General Wesley Clark. On a second visit, he learned more. He was told plans were to “destroy the governments.” He was stunned by what he heard. America intended multiple premeditated wars. “Policymakers want the Middle East destabilized. They want it redrawn. They want unchallenged U.S. control. They want America’s military might used destructively. They want it used “to start wars and change governments. It’s not to deter conflicts,” said Clark. “It’s not about liberation and spreading democracy.” It just goes to show that it is all about oil, for the United States and its ally.”~former Ambassador James Akins In 2003 Edward Snowden joined the U.S. Army and trained for Special Forces “I wanted to fight in the Iraq war because I felt like I had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression”. He recounted how his beliefs about the war’s purpose were quickly dispelled. “Most of the people training us seemed pumped up about killing Arabs, not helping anyone.” “I love my country, not my government.” ― Former Navy Seal and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura “I think this quote applies to many Americans who think we are still the good guy, wearing the white hat — when in reality, our country is being hijacked by globalists who are using our country to take out sovereign nations” – Michael Bing “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London. In 1982, while advance preparations were being completed for the invasion of Lebanon and the massacre of Palestinians in the camps around Beirut, Sidon and Tyre, a remarkable document was published in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization. Its author, Oded Yinon, was formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry and reflects high-level thinking in the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. Lebanon was the model, prepared for its role by the Israelis for thirty years, as the Sharett diaries revealed. It is the expansionist compulsion set forth by Herzl and Ben Gurion even as it is the logical extension of the Sharett diaries. The dissolution of Lebanon was proposed in 1919, planned in 1936, launched in 1954 and realized in 1982. Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track.” “The subsequent dissolution of Syria and Iraq into ethnically or religiously unique areas, as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run. The dissolution of the military power of these states serves as the primary short-term target. [Page 160]. Each Arab state is examined with a view to assessing how it may be disassembled. Khomeini’s provincial governor, Admiral Madani, encouraged the C.I.A. and Israeli Mossad to push the Iraqi regime to invade. Iraq’s invasion backfired. The Arab minority saw it as an attack on the revolution itself. U.S. and Israeli policy now turned to arming both sides, drawing out the war as long as possible.” Yinon makes explicit Israeli motives in arming Khomeini while the United States arms Iraq: Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. [Page 166]. ~ The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman Oded Yinon highlights Arab vulnerability and the futility of their attempts to protect themselves from Zionist expansion by dependence on U.S. power and influence. When all is said and done, they are all being measured for the same fate. The desire of the Zionists to destabilize the Arab regimes and fragment their countries, while not unwelcome to the United States, is met by Pentagon caution as to timing and implementation. There is the constant danger that the wars and manipulated internal divisions required by Zionism and U.S. imperialism to control the region may unleash a unification which would destroy the plans for division, and enslavement now exposed being perpetrated by the same entity around the globe. Karen Hudes November 2013 interview: “If you look at Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo, these are all one entity because their boards are all interlocking. This group is in control of the Federal Reserve system, and of the central banks of the 58 countries that belong to Bank for International Settlements. These [central banks] are not government entities, they are private entities. This group thinks it sits above the law. What I found out actually is that there are layers upon layers and that there are secret groups that go around acting like the enforcers or the coordinators or whatever you want to call them. So I can tell you who these groups are so you can get a good picture of how this group operates. There’s something called the Knights of Malta, there’s something called the Council of Foreign Relations, there’s something called the Bilderberg Group, there’s something called the Trilateral Commission, and fasten your seatbelts, folks… there’s something called the Jesuits. These people are the ones that are determining and have mapped this out.” NOTE: This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant when he stated that the Jewish people control America. The perpetrators arent Christians or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist, they just use all those to create division, death, destruction, arms sales, threats, economic hardships, and corporate and banking profits as Karen Hudes and John Perkins both exposed. As Jimmy Carter put it in 1976, we cannot have it both ways. We can’t be both the world’s leading champion of peace and the world’s leading supplier of arms. Chalmers Johnson once said in the essential-to-watch documentary, “Why We Fight, the defense budget last year was $750,000,000,000 and profits went up 25%...when war becomes that profitable, you are going to see more of it.” In Haigs presence, (Henry) Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. -- Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, p. 208 “I don’t want public attention because I don’t want the story to be about me. I want it to be about what the U.S. government is doing. I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things. ~ Edward Snowden
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:56:29 +0000

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