And just why IS it that it remains so? Look to the culture for - TopicsExpress


And just why IS it that it remains so? Look to the culture for your answer. Yes. And if you do put Republicans into office, it is your DUTY to push them to return to such principles. .......................... Every major city in America which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats and has been under Democratic party control for a very long time. If those communities want to reverse their fortunes it’s time to stop voting for Democrats. The fact is democratic party policies OWN most poverty stricken areas throughout America, but the unfortunate truth is that the democratic party supporters have been in the bondage of denial for generations. Although—it is unfortunate that the Republican Party has negotiated with democrats rather than stand up to democrats for several generations. It was a great Republican Frederick Douglass who said in his speech Our Work is Not Done in December 1863: “You do take away mine house, when you take away the prop that sustains my house,” and the support of the Democratic party we all know to be slavery. The Democratic party is for war for slavery; it is for peace for slavery; it is for the habeas corpus for slavery; it is against the habeas corpus for slavery; it was for the Florida war for slavery; it was for the Mexican war for slavery; it is for jury trial for traitors, for slavery; it is against jury trial for men claimed as fugitive slaves, for slavery. It has but one principle, one master; and it is guided, governed, and directed by it.” Frederick Douglass fought for American Liberty and he knew that liberty was only secured when people were free to be responsible for themselves. The Republican Party was founded to oppose slavery, not partner with it by “compromising” for a middle way between economic freedom and economic collectivism. The time for politeness has passed. Unless We the People in America—Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and newly enlightened democrats demand that there is no such animal as a fair share of labor taken forcibly by government in the name of supplying individual needs for others—this “different” and “new” slavery—-will empower the economic slavery of all races, creeds and colors and permit a government control over each citizens life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness… …….this economic kind of slavery is very inclusive…it’s platform is based on the belief that all should be a slave working and living in servitude to the state.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:22:08 +0000

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