And non-represented Nations and Peoples Organization in London on - TopicsExpress


And non-represented Nations and Peoples Organization in London on 23 February (UNPO organization) important conference to discuss the future of Balochistan. Baloch nationalist leaders, intellectuals and key international supporters of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Baloch through addressed the Conference. Fast food outlets are three immediate controversial London. First, the U.S. Congress who spoke at the conference, Dana Rohrabacher, is still committed to the Baloch right to self-determination. Historical their previous years congressional hearings in Washington, DC in Balochistan is not just an accident. In his address he referred to the claims of Pakistan in the tone of parody: they say, the Pakistanis,. Oh, Baloch people really want to be part of Pakistan, and they love us, thats why we kill our children Secondly, the Baloch nationalists are not ready to participate in the next general election, in May attached to the polling stations should not expect much support Baloch Baloch to win a free state (through conferences and seminars for the international community) continue to look abroad have shown that a London conference. third , diplomats even Pakistan, Pakistan Peoples Party, and bringing international attention to the rights of the Baloch people that peaceful abroad will continue to condemn any event. Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK; Wajid Shamsul Hasan, the conference and its demands, and described the unacceptable and rubbish. It was said that if a diplomatic Ironically, it will probably have lost their jobs Kashmiri peoples right to self-determination. laudable efforts UNPOBaloch London conference with two future road map roadmap leaves them acceptable. explain the difference between the two. Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher very quickly right of self-determination for the Baloch is called, followed by resolution of the Congress, The high level during a hearing in Congress last year increased expectations Baloch. Baloch find something that was not true at the hearing by the U.S. government, and supported error. Baloch support for the al-Qaida leader Osama bin Mr. Rohrabacherof a referendum (apparently in order to embarrass Pakistan) through a man wants to achieve independence of Balochistan. present circumstances, after a plebiscite in Balochistan Baloch nationalist ideas of the old policies Pakistan would be disastrous for six decades, divide and conquer, filling new settlements of other ethnic groups, and a deep community roots Balochistan and Pakistani intelligence agencies in politics. effect in the current situation, in view of the nationalists barely In more than ten seats in a House of 65 Balochistan Baloch may have unfavorable ground is not at all in favor of Baloch. Consequently, Mr. Rohrabacher unrealistic for a road map for Balochistan and destructive. should Baloch nationalist or American Some members of Congress understand the support needed (official support means for movement or party is not at the level Democrat or Republican). On the other hand, the Green Party Peter Tatchell, British Baloch leadership that deserves serious attention The three points gave a very convincing speech. need to work on that Baloch drew attention to three important elements. Firstly, internal unity, and secondly, the role of freedom of movement and the third, a clear road Baloch people Baloch after a long period. Mr. Tatchell pro Map and apparently he knows that there is no shortcut to success are a liberation movement. speech, freedom of movement for women that will help mobilize public support being aware, but they do not take them to their destination. Mr. Tatchell Baloch leaders were divisions between the main obstacle in the way of success is correct. Baluch, and the unit was the movement that went on to say,was, said ... London and Geneva, and even 95% of men in protest at the conference, is not a person anywhere in the world, he said undermined the Baloch movement of the second critical point of view Referring. said, and if they keep their wives behind to win their freedom. From Vietnam to South Africa, helped to win the womens movements.Abnormal position of weakness. Thats what we want Baloch people say that the government of Pakistan should be given a series of plans. If the international community wants to see you [Baloch] stand for. You do not have a plan, the Baloch people will not be taken seriously. It is to be taken seriously, so that the movement of the Baloch, the Baloch people to unite and produce a workable program.because it is unlikely that helps to stimulate the three-point roadmap Mr Tatchell seems a bit, but its realistic Baloch leadership and a set of recommendations. above, and all Baloch political forces united as Mr Tatchell, rightly argued that, while no one is going to take them seriously and are not oppressors
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 01:08:44 +0000

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