And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the - TopicsExpress


And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Cor 13:13 THREE THINGS – PART 3 – LOVE This word “love”, as mentioned in Part 1, is from the Greek word agape. In the KJV it translates as charity, which ultimately means “selfless giving”. What Paul is trying to get to is that our talents and abilities count for nothing, in the scheme of eternity, if they aren’t paired with this selfless-style love. And by the meaning of agape love, he is then pointing to the deepest nature of God; the essence of God; the fundamental makeup of the Father. It’s by this nature that all things remain connected and that all things exist. So, it’s when we outwork this style of love that a resonant chord strikes in our hearts, and a feeling of deep connectedness bubbles to the surface. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Once again this points to not what we can do with our earthly talents, but what lies beneath and motivates them. Paul indicates that our understanding – what we see now – is only partial and incomplete, but the day will come when all we see and will be complete. When we make it to our eternal destination, as a Christian, of course, Heaven, we will finally be connected to that all knowing love that we wondered so many times about. We’ll now see in full (i.e. below the surface) to the truth that God (and therefore divine and eternal love) was holding us all along. The trick is to not wait until then but right now, begin to see below the surface of our connection, through God, to every other person we encounter. This is agape love....true, unselfish, love. It truly is the small things. Remind yourself to smile, to slow down and listen to another’s story, to put your busy schedule on hold and help someone get their groceries in the car. Try paying for the order in the car behind you in the drive-thru or mowing the neighbors lawn. Tell the random mother of the toddlers that she’s a champion, or the trainee that they’re doing an amazing job. You might never see the effect on this side of eternity BUT love will reveal all once we cross the divide! Love truly is the greatest! Thank you God…Amen! FAITH, HOPE, LOVE....the greatest of these three is LOVE! God is LOVE and He expects us to be. I know, its hard to love the unlovable, but God loves us anyway! God bless you....Happy New Years Eve!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:22:59 +0000

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