And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his - TopicsExpress


And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified (Acts 20:32). The Word of God is the building block we need as Christians to shape up our lives and become all that God has planned for us to be. This is because the Word has inherent ability to produce what it says. In Joshua 1:8, ever before Joshua could embark on the mission of leading the Jews into the Promised Land, God instructed him to meditate on the Word regularly and keep the Word in his mouth. He was to have the Word in his heart and in his mouth, and be completely taken over by the Word. That way, he would be careful to do the Word. This was necessary because God had premised Joshua’s success on meditating on the Word. If this was true for Joshua, it’s all the more true for us today as Christians. The Word of God is what we need to live a successful, prosperous and victorious life. Thus, you shouldn’t allow any kind of failure in your life! God has given us His Word that’s able to make us successful, prosperous and victorious. Our responsibility is to think God’s thoughts; speak and live according to the Word. God’s Word is our sure road map to a life of unending victories. So if as a Christian you’ve been experiencing consistent failures rather than victories in your life endeavours, what you need do is a Word-check. It might mean that you’re not living according to God’s Word. Now, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily doing something wrong. It does mean however that there’re some important things you’re not doing. An example could be proper meditation on the Word; it’s a sure recipe for success. Praise the Lord! As we approach the final days of this month of victories, it’s important that you remain conscious of the fact that you’ve been born into a life of consistent and continuous victories. Take time out also to honour the Lord by celebrating all the victories of this special month as you share your testimonies and experiences of victories on this platform. God bless you
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 22:31:58 +0000

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