And now for some political commentary: The unsaid wealthy and - TopicsExpress


And now for some political commentary: The unsaid wealthy and Republican mantra: make people who are closer to being poor than rich feel like they are on the verge of being rich or have a real opportunity to be rich. Simultaneously make the waning middle class (the close to poor) feel as though the poor are taking something from them by appealing to their pride and sense of animus to this contrived, thieving, lazy enemy that is keeping them from becoming the upper class. While the two lower classes fight against each other over things they should not be fighting over, the wealthy pull from society the spoils of war the victor receives…. without being a warring party. While we quibble over things that don’t exist, barely exist or shouldn’t be argued over (see: people on food stamps eating lobster, drug testing for people needing assistance, welfare Cadillac queens, anecdotal “I know a guy who….” Or “everyone I know in my neighborhood wants a hand out…”, or any of the racist coded language that people dismiss but recognize and agree as “yup, it’s the blacks!”etc…..etc…..the wealthy and their marionettes, the Republican party, extract wealth from you, the American populace. I know…. this is getting long and I am such an f’n Liberal but…..they extract by outsourcing your job, decreasing your wages, stifling wage growth, taking ridiculous subsidies out of the countries tax coffers, extracting the nations resources for private gain and not paying for it, sidestepping taxes while using the umbrella of the United States to protect their interests, buying public property at pennies on the dollar (sold to them by Republican law makers…see Michigan and Wisconsin), etc.…..The marionettes do a little dance about how government is too big and regulation is stifling! Sprinkle in some BS about the mythical Obama caricature they’ve created (they got so lucky he was elected and can have a boogie man to raise money off of). Then talk about how spending is out of control, the debt will destroy us and if we privatize everything… it will be fixed! It will better!! You know because adding a profit margin into something and paying private contractors twice, three times as much as govt. workers makes things cheaper. If you are buying into the Republican ruse and plan to vote for them or claim you don’t like either party and don’t vote or…vote republican for whatever reason….. do some research with an open mind. The Republicans want you dumb, poor and hating your fellow Americans for stuff you shouldn’t be. We are a divided nation now and the wedge widening the chasm is the massive marketing campaign that appeals to people’s inner animus towards the different, the artificial enemy, the invisible wall that keeps you from your destination of the outside chance at wealth. Pounding that wedge is a cudgel wielded by Republican “high moral” principle. Controlling that hand is a manipulator who’s in the shadows. Hidden in plain sight. The Republican plan for America is a plan for a Republican America. Not pretty. Not uniting. Not American. This has been some political commentary. republican/conservative pals...weigh in. since most of you have stopped making your posts visible to me, i miss our lively debates! have a wondeful day! :)
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 22:26:23 +0000

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