And now for something not so HAPPENING: Dr. Layman, who - TopicsExpress


And now for something not so HAPPENING: Dr. Layman, who informed us back during the Silencing that all of Germany had been range-banned from 4chan, is back with GamerGate and is setting out to do a video series interviewing people that normally do not stick out of the masses, in order to prove that not all of them are the maniacs the media tries to paint them as. He approached me for his first video and I obliged. Ive written here twice at length about my motivations already, but I thought giving a voice would humanize it (spoiler: I suck at speaking and spill my spaghetti) and perhaps motivate others to speak up as well, at the very least in the well I cant possibly do worse than that guy sense. [My motivations post 1: https://facebook/1464143797187604/photos/pb.1464143797187604.-2207520000.1413621860./1479738568961460/] [My motivations post 2: https://facebook/notes/corruption-in-video-game-journalism/my-motivation-and-the-leadup-to-this-pages-existence/1493272670941383] And in the interest of transparency of the type that weve been asking for out of the game journalists: No monetary transactions occurred; the only transaction was an informal agreement that Id share the video on the page - a decision which admittedly after the interview happened I was no longer so enthusiastic about (feels like Im shitposting since the quality is much lower), but I did agree, and didnt want to renege like certain public figures in recent memory. I have no idea who Dr. Layman is outside of the fact that he made the Germany rangeban video and is from /pol/, and have had no contact with him before October 13. I simply found Layman trustworthy enough given his videos and his previous interview with TFYC and the idea good enough that I wouldnt mind giving his project a bit of my time.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 04:32:06 +0000

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