And now, in time for the weekend, my take on the MA-6 - TopicsExpress


And now, in time for the weekend, my take on the MA-6 congressional race (picking my head up from a busy morning of work, despite being home): The TL:DR version - yes, Im again voting for John Tierney for Congress. Now, the reason why... Ive been in politics for a little over 3 years, from when I first pulled papers to run until today. Ive had dealings with Tierney and his staff. All have been helpful, professional, and able to work to resolve problems that constituents have had. And more importantly happy to work. I know hes been able to help many of my colleagues as well. I know that the popular yardstick that is used against him is how many bills has he passed? Well, that doesnt matter too much. We dont elect Congressmen to pass bills. We elect them to serve their district and the interests of the 600k+ people in it. Id also like to point out that the minority doesnt pass bills anymore. Once upon a time bills were filed and passed on a shifting coalition that had shared interests across party lines. Those days, sadly, are gone. Tierney is a partisan member of the minority party. If you want someone who will pass bills, you can either elect Republicans or you can elect more Democrats. Both options appeal to some of my friends and readers. But replacing an 18-year Congressman who remains effective on behalf of his district is not going to help our district any. That said, let me speak to the leading opponent. When Seth Moulton first talked about running for Congress 2 years ago (as an independent) he was interesting. And when he announced that he would run this time, and run as a Democrat, I said to myself Nice. Young guy, just came back home, and is positioning himself to be the guy who replaces the guy. I expected hed run a strong, positive campaign and position himself to be the eventual replacement - whether its in another term or so or if Tierney loses the Tisei rematch. That wasnt what we got, though. Moulton went on the attack from the beginning and has been relentlessly negative throughout. Hes routinely spread BS (missing 300 votes? Sure, but that actually means that over 18 years hes made about 98% of all possible votes - which is pretty damn good attendance). This week, finally, a Tierney mailer went on the attack back at him (and its also distorted, as most attacks are) and Moultons whine in response was just sad. I also have vivid memories of early candidate Moulton and his appearance before the SSU Democrats this past winter. In his speech, he kept hitting on the theme that when he served in Iraq, Congress let the troops down. So one attendee (I wont name him here even though most of you know the story and who the person was) called him out on it politely and said How did Congressman Tierney let the troops down? It was a Republican-led Congress, Tierney personally voted against the Iraq War, and then voted in favor of every appropriation that was requested for the military. Moulton was visibly red-faced and angry when he engaged and got into the attendees face stating they should have done more!. It wasnt a confrontational question, folks. You should be able to handle it better. That all said, Ive had non-business conversations plenty of times over the last few years with Tierney (and his wife as well). Yes, hes a pol. Hes also a person who Im pretty comfortable around, and I can talk to him about non-business things and not feel like I need to run for the exits. Im not going to get into Patrices brothers. We all know that tale, and its been in courts and in the Ethics Committee already. The bottom line for me is that I believe that John Tierney remains effective in the job of representing us in Congress, and I think he deserves to continue doing so. Until this election began to play out I had believed that Seth Moulton might turn out to be a worthy successor down the road an election or two. I no longer believe that.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:48:40 +0000

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