And now its time to once again rub some demons wrong: A little - TopicsExpress


And now its time to once again rub some demons wrong: A little information on the python spirit: The python spirit loves nothing more than to try to squeeze the very life right out of you. This spirit has also been known to try to squeeze out any desire you have within you to follow the ways of the Lord, pray, meditate, and at times will try to suppress its victim so much they no longer feel like answering their call and will oftentimes make their victim feel like they ‘cannot breathe’ or are ‘choking.’ It has also been known to attack finances, relationships, and even ones mind and thought life. Like a snake, the python spirit will ‘coil’ itself around its victim, pressing and squeezing until the very life of whomever or whatever it grasps onto is gone out. This particular spirit is attached to or can be ‘grouped’ with other spirits such as control, divination, witchcraft, occult practices, satanism, anit-christ, death, murder, fear, bondage, and Jezebel. The ultimate purpose, the ultimate goal of the python spirit, is to completely crush and destroy any vision, dreams, and hope of individual Believers and to discourage the body of Christ in general (the Church) until they give up on moving in the Power, Authority, and FREEDOM Christ has already provided for us. It often times leaves its victim in deep despair, feeling as though they are ‘trapped’ in a certain cycle of their life or circumstances, and leaves its victim feeling as though they are ‘stuck’ in a ‘fishbowl’ – unable to move forward in life, business, relationships, their call, or the things of God and its victims are left going through the same motions over and over again, never getting ahead. “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law (the Written Word of God), happy is he.” – Proverbs 29:18 If the spirit of Python can succeed at completely crushing your hope, your visions, and your dreams, it will cause you to not have the desire and drive you need to keep going on in order to fulfill your call and destiny as a Victorious Warrior in Christ. The python spirit wants only to steal, kill, and destroy God’s plan and calling for your life. It thrives on robbing you of your drive, motivation, and desire to fight for any and all things which are right in the eyes of God. It will then replace anything good within you with nothing but lack of life, discouragement, depressions, hopelessness, and apathy. It will continually try to keep you bound to the same chair you’ve been sitting in for years while waiting for the opportunity to ‘get out’ and answer your call without the scrutiny of certain leaders or while ‘waiting’ for ‘mans’ approval to move in the things of God. It thrives on keeping you in ‘fear’ to what ‘man’ will think if you decide to step out and move ahead with your call without first obtaining the ‘permission’ of certain leaders whose ‘control’ you’ve been under. Again, be warned: The python spirit wraps itself around it’s victim and attempts to quickly suffocate the very life out of them. Whether the victim is an individual person, a family and their relatives, a business, a church, a community, or a nation, the python spirit will many times attack rather quickly just as any poisonous snake would and render its victim helpless in a matter of mere minutes. Many times it loves to ‘play’ with it’s victims by squeezing them until they are almost dead and then releasing its grip some what, giving them a short time of ‘freedom’ and then will continue squeezing again until the ‘life’ or ‘drive’ of their victim is gone, ultimately bringing death to whomever or whatever it was suppressing with its demonic powers. Each time its victim is attacked, they sink lower and lower until they find themselves lower than they have ever been before and unable to get out of the low. When the python spirit is at work in a church or certain group, there is no real communion or fellowship as it is all just for ‘looks’ or ‘interests’ sake, or for meeting out of ‘obligation’. There will be isolation among people, certain ‘clicks’ among groups or at work, and the spirit will also divide and draw many person away from the mainstream church to form certain ‘special interest’ groups in order to ‘control’ their victim in a ‘closed’ environment. Once its victim is sucked in by its demonic powers, they will become fearful, weak, and weary of everything around them. The same can be said for relationships and businesses. The spirit of Python is also one of the spirits of divination which supplies the power for psychics, crystal ball readers, palm readers, tarot card readers, and mediums. This spirit has free access to us if we choose to expose ourselves to any area of the occult or satanic practices whether through ungodly movies, Ouija boards, hypnosis, seances, horoscopes, ‘fun’ fortune-telling, tea leaf reading, visiting ‘spirit houses’, occult rituals, chants, etc. The spirit of python can also attach itself to the spirit of infirmity, causing one to move in feebleness, frailties, different forms of arthritis, different forms of cancer, many weaknesses, and many other sicknesses and diseases. It is also behind the much more sophisticated types of sorcery that manifests sickness and death of many people through curses, hexes, vexes, spells, voodoo, witchcraft, incantations, assignments, etc. Again, the ultimate purpose or goal of the spirit of Python is to crush and destroy any visions, dreams, and hope of the Church and of the individual Believer. It promotes itself through crafty divination, witchcraft, and rebellion. It will always draw attention away from Jesus and onto other human beings, or ‘itself’. This highly dangerous demonic spirit can be the source of many sicknesses and deaths of many people and the spirit of python can constrict the flow of and can literally steal our finances and businesses from us. Church, as Spirit-filled and Spirit-led believers, we have complete Power and Authority over the spirit of Python through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It’s time to RISE UP against the spirit of python in all that God has created you to be and TAKE BACK by force what the devil has stolen from you! It’s time to RENOUNCE any work of the spirit of python in your life and once again move in the COMPLETE FREEDOM Christ has already provided for you! It’s time to CLAIM the Promises of God according to His Word! It’s time to BE the VICTORIOUS WARRIOR you were created to be! It’s time to RISE UP in all God has for you TODAY and EVERY DAY! ~ Selah. Learn more here: fire.propheticimpressions
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:04:06 +0000

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