And now, the 10 commandments of the book of bacon!!!! 1: Thou - TopicsExpress


And now, the 10 commandments of the book of bacon!!!! 1: Thou shall eat bacon everyday, and double thy portion on the seventh day 2: Thou shall not steal bacon, instead share thy bacon 3: Thou shall kill for bacon 4: Thou shall not bare false witness of thy presence of bacon, or prepare to cook bacon for all those lied to 5:Thou shall acknowledge Kevin Bacon as the choosen son of the bacon lord, as he was given the name of our God 6: Thou shall not covet thy neighbors bacon 7: Thou shall enjoy bacons of all kind, be it smoked, applewood, maple, or even the less popular back bacon 8:A women shall cook her husband bacon with every meal 9: A man shall provide bacon for his wife and children, under any and every circumstances 10: Thou shall honor thy mother and father, for they were they first to provide you with delicious bacon
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:28:45 +0000

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