And now you sweet children let me tell you a bedtime story * The - TopicsExpress


And now you sweet children let me tell you a bedtime story * The Chameleon * Why does the Chameleon change its colours the little boy asked the dozing storyteller. The storyteller opened his eyes and said “come let me tell you the story” Once upon a time the Great Spirit of creation created all the animals in the world. He took from the earth the sands and made creatures that he called animals. He looked upon His creation with love and pride and they looked upon him with love and pride. All the animals in the kingdom were happy and frolicked in play or lying in the sun enjoying it as the clouds swan past slowly. All the animals were all one colour the colour of the earth. As the Great Spirit sat upon the clouds he looked at the animals and thought “something was missing”. Ahh he said to himself they need colours like the rainbow. He decided he would paint them all beautiful colours and designs so that they could be even happier than they were now. He called all the animals, the birds, the fish, the insects and told them of his plan to paint them different colours and designs. They were very happy and looked forward to their colours with high expectations. There was a lot of excited discussions in the animal world. Next week, the Great Spirit said, you must all assemble on the plains of M’Arafat so as I can paint you all the most beautiful colours in the world. The following week all the animals, birds, fish and insects gathered on the plain. The Spirit had a huge palette that stretched into the horizon with all the colours that one could imagine and more. In his hands he had a number of paint brushes that were from the biggest to the smallest. Let us begin he said and began painting He painted the peacock, the leopard, the birds, the butterfly, the lady bug, the Zebra and all the others. As he finished each one it preened itself with pride and showed off its colours. Look at me said the peacock as it opened its tail feathers And me, said the lady bug with its red and white spots And me, growled the leopard with its spots And me said the butterfly flitting from place to place All the animals looked very beautiful in their new colours The last animal was painted and it pranced away happily But someone was missing the God thought to himself … who ? Far away the tortoise walked slowly along the dusty road. It was getting close to sunset he thought to himself and I will be too late. He tried to walk faster but his couldn’t move much faster than he could. He began to grow sadder and sadder as the sun got lower in the sky. High on a hill sat an imp a tokoloshe called Bamba. The tokoloshe was sitting and plotting how to get a cup for his chief to drink from. The chief was angry with Bamba because Bamba had broken his favourite cup and said he should not return to the Tokoloshe village till he had a replacement. Bamba plotted and planned and planned and planned then his eyes settled on the tortoise that walked slowly on the dusty road towards where he sat. Ah Ha he said to himself I have my answer I could take the tortoise’s shell and make a cup for the chief and then I can return to the tribe. As he thought that a wicked glint came into his eyes. Slowly a malicious grin spread over his face; he looked very ugly and evil He slithered down the hill like a hungry snake and sat behind a bush. He grinned and rubbed his hands in anticipation. The tortoise approached as fast as it could its eyes constantly looking at the setting sun. On the side of the road the bush was parted and two evil eyes peered out and fixed themselves on the tortoise. As the tortoise came to where the Tokoloshe was he bunched his muscles and prepared to jump on the unsuspecting tortoise. As the bush rustled the tortoise looked into it and saw the evil face of the Tokoloske .. he grew afraid and tried to scream for help but no sound would come out. His throat was dry and his voice just wouldn’t come out. The tokoloshe launched itself at the tortoise with its arms outstretched and its fingers with cruel long nails prepared to bite into the flesh of the tortoise. The tortoise closed his eyes, his heart beating furiously; he was done for, he was finished. His flesh curled as he waited for the cruel claws to tear into his flesh. From the darkness behind his closed eyes he heard another voice scream in fury and aggression. He quickly opened his eyes. He saw a form in midair launched in the direction of the tokoloshe. It was the Chameleon. As it flew in the air the Chameleon looked like a prehistoric monster from the past. The Chameleon flew into the face of the tokoloshe biting and scratching his with screams that would have made a Japanese bushido warrior proud. The tokoloshe screamed in surprise and pain as this monster fell upon him biting and scratchinmg him. It was now getting dark and in his imagination the creature attacking him was twenty feet tall with huge claws and sharp gangs. He struck out in panic and turned and fled as fast as his feet could carry him. The Chameleon was struck and his small body flung against sharp rocks. He lay there still his body broken and his eyes rolling in two different directions. The Chameleon was close to death. The Tortoise was distraught and didn’t know what to do. He was afraid that the tokoloshe would return as it was getting darker and darker. He lifted the Chameleon onto his back and continued his journey to the plain but it was not bright colours that he sought but someone to help the person who had saved him. He walked off into the night as fast as his feet would carry him. The stars stared down coldly as the moon rose slowly on the horizon. The plains were empty and cold only lit by the moon looking down from the sky. The tortoise slowly lowered the Chameleon onto the sand. The Chameleon was not breathing. His skin was cold. The tortoise ran hither and thither but couldn’t see anyone. He was overcome with a deep sense of sadness and loss. Here was someone who saved me and gave his own life for mine. “Why” he asked the empty space “why”? As he looked upon the still body of the Chameleon a tear slowly welled in his eye and dropped to the earth. High up on a cloud the Great Spirit looked down on the scene of sadness and loss and he felt pity. Even the radiant moon had a silent tear in its eye. In the distance a wolf howled sadly sensing that something tragic had happened. The Great Spirit climbed down from the clouds and wakened the tortoise. The tortoise slowly opened his eyes on seeing the Great Spirit thought he was dreaming. Yes O Great Spirit he said sleepily. I know what has happened said the Great Spirit and I will reward you both; you for your gratitude and loyalty and the Chameleon for his selflessness and bravery. The Great Spirit leaned over and touched the Chameleon with his finger. Slowly colour returned to the Chameleon and he stirred and then slowly stood up. The Tortoise was overjoyed and danced a slow dance in the sand. Deep within the tortoise was disappointed but the disappointment was overcome by his joy. The Great Spirit sensed this and said “Come let me paint you too” The Chameleon and the tortoise stood before the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit painted the tortoise with yellow and black. The Chameleon was afraid it seemed that the paint was finished. “Do not be afraid” said the Great Spirit I have a special gift for you. The Great Spirit dipped his brush in all the pots in the palette and painted from each on the Chameleon. He painted and painted and painted till the moon set and the sun rose on the horizon. Then he was finished. The Chameleon looked at himself but couldn’t see a difference; he was still the colour of the earth. The Great Spirit laughed at his consternation he took a green leaf and said to the Chameleon “ stand on it” The Chameleon stepped on the green leaf and he turned green The great Spirit picked a red petal from the rose and said gently “stand on it” The chameleon stepped on the red petal and slowly he turned from green to red. He was delighted and didn’t quite know what to say. “Go” said the Great Spirit, “and never forget how you got your colours. Be true to yourself and be selfless for that is the secret of all things” The two friends walked off into the bright morning both were as happy as happy could ever be. To this day the Chameleon and all his descendants still change colour according to what they were standing on. So said the storyteller whenever you see the Chameleon remember how brave he was and how brave and selfless you could be too. __________________________________________________________________________________ rassool jibraeel snyman – Tales of the African Storyteller – 19/7/2013
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:11:02 +0000

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