And of course in the Italian Witches series we cant forget about - TopicsExpress


And of course in the Italian Witches series we cant forget about the Benandanti. Have fun and enjoy. Blessed Be! Also in the next couple of weeks will I post stories, legends, myths and of course true stories about werewolves,vampires, witches etc. Your friends are more than welcome to join my site and read up on them. I do not post these stories in the groups, if you or your friends want to read them, you will find them here :) - I BENANDANTI del Friuli. Imagine the dark ages of Northern Italy, imagine in a particular area that has always been at the border. border And the term we mean in all its facets, not only as a geographical dimension, but as a meeting place of peoples, cultures, different mentalities and sometimes conflicting with each other. Done this we try to go even further, try to even speculate villages far from each other without any means of communication to which we are accustomed, the nights without illumination than that provided only by the moon and the stars, think of fear, superstition, terror behind the disease or dierto natural elements those that destroy crops, often the only source of livelihood of entire communities, is behind the devil and witches. Mix everything, add the reminiscences of the inheritance of pagan times even further away and the picture will be complete. Perhaps ... - THE LEGEND OF GOOD WALKERS. Friuli. At the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. upright Despite the climate of social and religious transformations, Europe is still crossed by beliefs and superstitions, one of them wants the witches, and more generally, those who have decided to follow the Male are able to create storms and alter the climate to their liking to destroy lives, crops and entire villages. Not everyone, however, that practice magic, however, are on the side of the devil. Precisely in Friuli at the time of wizards who oversee congregations protect their communities. Call them Benandanti or the Coupons Walkers. Their task is, precisely, to protect the villages from the action of witches and sorcerers. A Benandante is nothing more than a person born still wrapped from his sack Amniotic. s expression born lucky probably derives from this. . Later the same amniotic sac, or at least a part of it was blessed and, according to legend, was sewn into a bag to be placed permanently at the neck of predestined. Due to this procedure the predestined acquires his powers, but there is always a rule to follow: the bag should never be lost otherwise it will go away with even powers. Yeah, but what powers the legends ascribe to these magicians good? - legends and rumors. return to our initial scenario: suppose a hypothetical Sabbath or another gathering of witches and wizards ready to cause damage to local populations. Well, some nights, those who had been chosen as benandanti tell the chronicles were able to escape from their bodies, sometimes in the form of fog sometimes taking the shape of small animals and gathered in groups to prevent the evil sorcerers turned to evil. Small night battles, not where it was like you two fronteggiassero opposing armies, first the witches with their barrels of sorghum against benandanti armed only with fennel branches. Battles fought to the sound of magic, fighting not reported in the official history but which in the winter mornings, farmers in bonfire night whispering between them and the fear ruled the hearts and minds of the rural community. Clashes occurred during periods of very specific nights of Ember , that particular groups of days in which a time sanctified God and the passing of the seasons. According to tradition popular in case of victory of benandanti would be witnessed months of luck and prosperity, but if they had won the evil sorcerers then in that given territory and inhabitants would be doomed to spend periods of hunger, death and misfortune. Was not this the only power of benandanti They were also able to see dead people, hear their voices. often came even to the point of being able to see the processions of the dead. But there is a macabre side in the whole legend. A high macabre and even more mysterious. A benandante walked among the dead, before the others could see the infamous wild hunt , that is, the night parades in which it was said the supernatural entities, demons often, often pagan gods, gathered to hunt supernatural creature ancorapiù them. And for all the unfortunate who crossed the path, a wild hunt often harbingers of doom. Uniquely amongst all mortals that s encountered it in the event, only the benandanti had the strength to survive. - REALITY HISTORICAL. I benandanti really exist, chronicles documenting their presence in the Friuli area for centuries; most likely were what remained of pagan beliefs, similar figures were widespread, however, in almost all the Central and Eastern Europe at least until 1600. Unlike many other did not object to the Church, indeed the benandanti were deeply believers, most of the time it was perfectly integrated individuals in their community. Indeed often viewed their actions as complementary to those of priests and religious. A sort of unauthorized armed the Church. however, this represented a problem for the Church leaders, who could not tolerate the presence of these independent figures came to haunt them. these good wizards and sorcerers were treated as heretics or ending up suffering the unpleasant attentions of the Holy Inquisition. Thus, even if the processes often ended with acquittals little at a time, born with a caul lost popular support. far with almost disappeared.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:33:33 +0000

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