And rhapsody begins in 5...4...3...2...1... Its quite difficult - TopicsExpress


And rhapsody begins in 5...4...3...2...1... Its quite difficult to describe to people what touring is like for a band. A smallish group of people trusting each other with the most intimate of moments, embarking upon a journey of the unknown. During this journey you may not always have a place to lay your head; you may have all night drives in terrible weather conditions to get to your next venue; you will realize all of the little things you take for granted such as a clean toilet, regular showers, temperature regulation, things like fruit and vegetables...; you will ache for those youve left back home and you will most likely experience breakdowns (vehicular or those of the human spirit). You may wonder why we do it. I cant speak for anyone else, but for me its the rush when first note is struck onstage, its a passion for this music weve created together as a band, its the need to share it with the rest of the world, its the camaraderie between musicians and friends, its the sense of community of a genre of music between musicians and fans, the ability to travel this beautiful country, and most of all sharing moments with those we know and strangers alike. I want to thank so many people so please bear with me. First off thank you to our home fans and DFWSka, I missed you! I cant wait to do a local show. Theres absolutely nothing like a home crowd. Without your enthusiasm we would not have these opportunities. To my exceedingly supportive family Delphine, Robert, Desi, Ashley, and my darling cooperative children I love you to the moon and back, thank you for making this possible. To my Rude King bandmates, Jon E Bravo, Rob Tovar, Justin F Rush and John Vietta...I love you more than you know, thank you for your sacrifices, humor and patience. That you for keeping your flatulence to a minimum. Mike Bechtel, thank you for stepping up, I hope you had some fun. Linda Tovar, thank you for your willingness to do so many things. Martin Tovar, Im sorry there was no cocaine or hookers, hopefully you got something just as awesome out of it. ;) To my Hub City Stompers family. Thank you all for the food, the promotion, the places to crash, and most of all the love and support. I just want to hit the road with you guys all the time. Can we please book a European tour together or something. :) Im going to miss each and everyone of you. Thank you Rev Sin & Crochet Hats N Stuff for being such awesome hosts, the bed, the food, the fun day...I think the bar has been set a little higher for you all next time. Liat, you are one of the most honest and generous people I know, thank you. Joey Pip, thank you for the amazing day, the wonderful crash space, and best of times. You sir, have also raised the bar. Shelby Jacobs, thank you so much for letting us invade and for the abundance of real food, it was delicious! Jenny Whiskey, you are my fashion sister. Rob George, never lose that rock face. Bob Voorhees, quit trying to stand in front of me during pictures! James Kelly, thank you for always being so supportive, I love your lack of musical morals. :) Nuno Rodrigues, weve missed you, thank you for coming out and bringing your beautiful wife, Kelly Rodrigues. There were so many talented bands we got to play with this time around! Click on them and check our their music. Let us know who you want through Dallas. Thank you to our new friends The Pandemics (NY SKA!), for coming out even on your day off! Thats awesome support people! Thank you to the following for help setting up show & venues, sharing your stages with us, and cross promoting. We love to reciprocate so please let us know when we can help. Demon Waffle, Archbishops of Blount Street, Sammy Kay and The Fast Four, King Django, Anticitizen, Jayson Nugent, Knottyrocker, Oneonta Ska Society, The Dialtones, The Shifters, Reggay Lords, Easy Roscoe, & The Downbeat Abbey All Stars. A special thank you to those of you who opened your homes to us...Jason Moore, Keith Duncan, Kaler Carpenter, Joey Pip & Bob Voorhees. Thank you to all of the venues for having us... The Hideaway in Johnson City, Local 506 in Chapel Hill, Court Tavern in New Brunswick, Mothers Bar & Grille in Easton, B-Side Ballroom & Supper Club in Oneonta (holy crap the food is delicious!), The Grand Victory in Brooklyn, Three Sheets New Haven Tropicalia in DC, and Tfg Productions World Headquarters in Murfreesboro. To Ernie Tacsik, it was so good to see you, we miss you here in Dallas. Thank you White Cobra for getting us home safe. Thank you Texas roadways for being relatively pot hole free and having reasonable speed limits. But most of all thank you to those, new and old friends alike, who took a moment to let me know you appreciate our music and what we do. You are my driving force. We are recharged and super excited. Soon we are going into the studio to bring you new and even more awesome Rude King music. If you liked what you heard when we were in your town tell your venue, your music scene, your Facebook community, your friends, etc. so we can get back there!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:59:00 +0000

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